Cyber bullying is the cause of today’s problems, dealing with teens causing more harm than the intended harm to peers. Cyber-bullying uses the Internet to harass, threaten, and harm others through social networking sites, like Facebook or MySpace. Cyber-bullying has many negative effects in the life of bullied students. Some of the effects are failure in academics, socially deprived of interactions with piers, and unfortunately, suicidal thoughts. Cyber-bullying can exist amongst classmates, friends, etc. Bullying that occurs at schools is often easily intervened, however cyber bullying is a different story. In this case where cyber-bullying involves teenagers harassing each other, schools must intervene to prevent anymore harm to all parties involved. So why wouldn’t a school want to intervene on student matters, when it deals with the health issues concerning a student of that school district?
For instance, schools are put in place to educate the student, help them succeed in academic. Students having trouble at home or with their social life can have a negative impact on their learning experience. The Nation Crime Prevention Council stated, "Victims of cyber-bullying may experience many of the same effects as children who are bullied in person, such as a drop in grades, low self-esteem, a change in interests, or depression (What is Bullying?)”. Teachers then may start to wonder why a student with good attendance and grade would end up missing school and failing classes. Those bullied may purposely miss school to avoid the embarrassment that the bully caused. Since activities outside of school are not monitored by the school districts, those cases of cyber-bullying are not reported. Cases of cyber-bullying can be brought to the school's attention from others students. Preventing any further issues, a solution is requested. School intervention is the primary step to end cyber-bullying, one is by informing parents