Child Pornography is illegal throughout the entire world. There are many perverts that have Internet access and will specifically search for pictures and/or videos of under age children because it will satisfy their sexual needs. Many may actually think that it is okay to talk to other perverts and exchange files over the Internet. They will also try and talk to the young children in chat rooms and ask them for pictures and to meet up to physically see each other. The adult users would use a secret identity to hide who the really are so no one could find out who they were really talking to. The only way that police could find out who the suspect was, was to trace the IP address back to the exact location of where the computer of the suspect is located. When the internet first appeared, parents would try and block these sites so their children would not enter them, even though they looked harmless. This situation was becoming a global problem. Once a suspect of child pornography is caught, police will need a warrant to search the inside of the suspect’s home. Many will find a massive amount of children’s items around the home such as clothing, books, dolls etc. They can also find a large stash of videotapes of child porn within the house. The largest bust in Canada was a man that had over 18,000 files of porn on his hard drive and when police showed up to his home, he was in the act of looking at porn.
Of those who look at this kind of sites, 75% of them are daily viewers. The suspects that are caught are most likely repeat offenders and some would rather stay in jail or else they would just go back to what they were doing right before they were caught. Another way the police will try and catch the suspect is to have a live chat with the offender and ask them to meet somewhere. They do not want to assist with the meeting and help out the suspect. i.e: Buy the plane fair. Many of the suspects do not think about meeting up with a cop ad will only think