(52). FORGING DATA PROCESS Forging means to produce false data. This could be false data that you are giving out (e.g. to gain access where you shouldn't), basically this is similar to identity theft, pretending to be someone you are not, or maybe even making up an identity.
There is also an aspect where you can forge (make up) data to fulfill the needs of a study or similar, thus you are pretending to do actual work but are using made up results to support a theory.
(53). HACKING The word "hacking" has two definitions. The first definition refers to the hobby/profession of working with computers. The second definition refers to breaking into computer systems. While the first definition is older and is still used by many computer enthusiasts (who refer to cyber-criminals as "crackers"), the second definition is much more commonly used.
(54). HARASSMENT Cyber harassment is typically defined as recurring, unwelcome and aggressive conduct by an individual or a group of people using the Internet or mobile technology aiming to terrify, bother, intimidate, threaten, stalk or harass someone else. It can happen in social networking sites, chat rooms, message boards, email or any electronic environment where other people can communicate. Note that simply posting a personal view or opinion in a forum or a discussion board is not classified as cyber harassment.
(55). HIDDEN TEXT Hidden text is text that is displayed in such a way as to