A. C´ardenas , R. Moreno, “Cyber-Physical Systems security for the Smart Grid,” CPS Workshop 2011.
The authors focus on giving a brief overview of why traditional security mechanisms for power systems are inadequate and the need for CPS security. They briefly describe the functional areas of the grid: State estimation-need for SE, mathematically modeling it, testing bad measurements. Constructing the network topology based on data from sensors. Electricity markets-describing the need and the association with SE. Control signals sent to automatic devices/equipment in the grid , based on processed data. The work surveyed is mainly about false data injection attacks and defense at different functional stages of the power systems if present and they open discussions . The authors in a broad sense describe only the principle of the works. They discuss limitations that they find in the works that have surveyed and talk about problems and challenges that have not been covered in literature previously. The authors do not provide a specific solution to the security problem , however, they provide general suggestions on what CPS defense mechanisms could focus on.
Collecting information from sensors and constructing a model. State estimation of the power system based on measurements Computation and delivery of LMPs(Locational marginal pricing (LMP) is a mechanism for using market-based prices for managing transmission congestion .It involves the marginal cost of supplying ,at least cost, t he next increment of electric demand at a location along with other factors.) for electricity markets Transmission automation-control signals sent to automated devices in the grid The authors survey recent work, find limitations and present them. They discuss open problems and challenges in new research in areas of EMS that have not been considered