23 April 2014
Research Prospectus #4
A podcast by The Prevention Researcher, discussed the impact of harassment in school and family violence and mentioned harassment overall. The podcast was an interview with Dr. Michael Green, who provides consultation services regarding youth predominantly. Greene defines the general consensus of bullying as: “a form of aggression; a power balance in characteristics that is important to both the victim and the bully; and that the process is repeated more than once," ("#008 Relational Aggression Among Youth: An Interview with Michael Greene," 2012). The podcast did not mention Amanda Todd as its sole focus within the context of bullying, but dealt with bullying in general, at both the school and social media platform.
Within the United States, there are currently a number of legislative pieces that have been directed at social media bullying given its rise in number over the last few years. Maryland, Missouri, New York and Rhode Island have all specifically introduced legislation in 2007 sought to curtail digital harassment. The following year, California took cyber-bullying head on when they passed one of the first laws in the country that dealt direct with cyber bullying. The other states had only pursued legislation (McDermott, 2007; Carvin, 2008). Research has suggested that awareness of it is the most essential element of social media bullying in addition to legislative recourse in handling the ongoing problem.
Bullying for the most part has been a continual problem in society. Social media has exacerbated the problem. While social media is an excellent playground for ideas, musings and thoughts, the playground has become a breeding ground for angst, disgust and a cacophony of hate. The government needs to continue to understand the importance of confronting the problem of cyber bullying head on, before it continues and other issues result. Parents need to educate their children and young adults