
Cyberbullying Research Paper

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The story of the fall of my freshman year of high school, in my opinion, encompasses all of the innate tendencies male individuals possess. Furthermore, I believe this story delves deeper into our reality as human beings and the consequences we are destined to face as a result of our physical makeup. The consequences, for me, proved violent, physically painful, and eternally fulfilling. This is a strange statement because when these incidents occurred it was dark and scary time in my life, but, ironically, this was also the most rewarding happening of my young life. You see, this is the story of how I met the best friend I have, Bob McGrath. I truly believe I am blessed to be of member of the male sex. I believe this because I love my life …show more content…

In my opinion, if these on goings were happening on a daily basis to a girl, nightly tears would be shed, utter lack of self-confidence would result and unfortunately, the girl may never have stood up for herself. A natural female response would be sadness and overwhelming depression. If outnumbered so drastically, I believe females do not possess the physically abilities to adequately respond. A strong-willed girl may have ended the abuse from the start by merely ignoring the abusers and seeking out other friends. My situation was that I knew no one and I refused to be the new kid who backed down and sought new friends, because I feel I would have been looked at as a coward for my high school career. This is an innately different thought process than that of a female. Females do not fear or possess a disdain for being looked at as a coward. It is expected for females to be passive and soft in today's society and also our biological makeup dictates these facts. Barash explains that "Natural selection dictates that individuals will behave in ways that maximize their fitness, so clearly, different strategies will be appropriate for the two sexes, given their dramatically different biological characteristics." (Chapter1, page 4, paragraph 8) Therefore, it is natural for men to defend themselves in ways that maximize their fitness, just as for women. So when I was continually bullied I chose to respond with violence. I do not support violence and I believe, in most cases, violence only breeds more violence. Yet, there comes times in every human's life where they must behave and react in ways that maximize their fitness. I believe I did just that and I also feel that a woman would do the same. The difference is how the woman would maximize her fitness. A petite, 80 pound freshman girl being continually

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