Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods
There are lots of different methods to monitor children and young people’s development, there is narrative which is done by using:
Descriptive/running record
Video recording
Tape and transcript
Diary description
Anecdotal record
Target child
This is the most common type of observation used. It attempts to record everything that happens, as it happens, with plenty of detail. Usually recorded over a short period of time.
Target child involve observing individual children over 10 to 20 minutes and includes a coding system to help you to interpret your findings. An anecodotal record is a brief note of the key point you observed.
Time sampling-
This involves making a series of short observations about two minutes each at regular intervals over a fairly long period. The interval between observations and the overall duration is your decision, depending on exactly what you are observing.
Event sampling-
This is usually used to observe a particular aspect of a child or young person’s behaviour or development when it occurs for example how a child or young person communicates with others, or observing when a child or young person behaves aggressively towards others.
This is carried out with a prepared list of skills or competencies that are being assessed, and is often used for ‘can do’ or ‘is able to’ checks in the context of a structured activity.
Diagrammatic charts-
These provide a visual and accessible display of collected information for example a bar chart could be used to plot the heights of each child, or a sociogram could be used to show an individuals social relationships within a group.