Important: Do not exceed 4000 words (the bibliography/reference section is not included in the word count)
Within the evidence for the tasks below where relevant you also need to show examples of how you embed the knowledge into your own /the settings practice.
Please remember you must show your own knowledge and practice do not copy what is in your research materials. Plagiarism is taken seriously.
Task 1 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.3
A) an explanation of how current practice is influenced by the theories of the following
(give an explanation of what each theory means e.g. what is cognitive theory, then explain each theorists theory and then explain how this is used in current practice today or not)
(useful book ‘Understanding Early Years theory in Practice’ , Byers, E et al Heinemann publishers ISBN number 978-0-435402-123-6 can be found in LRC at college)
a) theories of development Cognitive (Piaget, Jerome Bruner, Lev vygotsky (only do his theories of zone of proximal development) & Erik Erikson) (stages of cognitive development)
Cognitive theory is an attempt to explain human behavior by trying to understand the initial thought process behind it. The human brain is looked upon like a computer in the way it processes information. The theory is focused on the way in which a person’s thought process influence how we understand and interact with the world around us. One of the main points this idea concludes, and to us today quite an obvious statement, is that children think differently to adults. Jean Piaget is a prominent name you will come across when looking into Cognitive Development. He became intrigued with the reasons why children gave their wrong answers on questions that required logical thinking (Saul McLeod, Simply Psychology 2009, updated 2012). 1 Before Piaget’s