The information below is to help students focus on important topics of the chapter. This study guide does not replace reading the chapter or give you exact questions. Essentially, exam questions are taken directly from information within the chapter. Without reading and studying definitions, theorists, psychological terminology and perspectives, you will have a difficult time passing my exams. You will find the application questions particularly difficult if you do not understand concepts and have not prepared adequately. Every chapter has a lot of terms including italicized words to know. I do not cover terms necessarily in the study guide below because students are expected to know these.
1. Content within Exam 3 covers the last half of the alphabet of important people in psychology. The following pages in our textbook are important for students to read & review:
a. Abraham Maslow (pages 287 & 288): Know terms & related concepts
Know the order in which the needs in Maslow’s pyramid must be fulfilled, from the first to the last and know what each need represents.
Realizing one’s potential to the fullest is the pinnacle of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (True or False).
According to Abraham Maslow, a major prerequisite for becoming self-actualized is having a very selfless nature (True or False).
Most people in the United States are probably currently striving to satisfy ______________ needs.
b. Jean Piaget (pages 344 – 347): Know terms & related concepts
The field of cognitive development is greatly indebted to the seminal work of the Swiss scholar, Jean Piaget.
Know information within Figure 9, page 344: Cognitive Stages in order, Approximate Age Range, and Major Characteristics.
There will be several application questions within information in Figure 9.
Review ALL information under Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development on pages 344 – 347. Must understand the concepts (terms are important to know) within each stage.