1.5 processes used by setting that comply with legislation covering data protection and sharing.
In my setting all information collected and held regarding pupils who are in attendance is kept safe and secure by using passwords on the computer and it can only be accessed by those who are in charge of it. Educational records kept in each classroom are locked into cupboards with padlock, and only senior staff hold the key
School only collects information that is used for a specific purpose, i.e. the children’s address and parent/carer contact information. School also holds files containing staff details and training courses attended etc, which are again kept electronically with a password protection. The school ensures the information they require is relevant and accurate and they ensure the information is kept up to date, by sending letters out to parent/carers to remind them to update information since the last academic year. The information is kept for the duration the child is in attendance at the school and after which they will delete the files containing the personal data and shred any paper documents.
Personal information is available to the pupils and parents should they wish to view their own details.
Staff have access to the shredding machine and can use at any time, to shred scribble notes during meetings, that may not be needed anymore, but may contain children's names etc.
Also, in my setting, surnames are not written onto the front of any child 's books, which makes them harder to identify outside the setting, protecting identity.
Some of the children at my current work setting are on the child protection register and this information is only available to the designated safeguarding officer. If the safeguarding officer has been notified of some child protection issues in relation to any child then they must disclose it to the child’s teacher in confidence to ensure the information shared is in the