Positive relationships with children and young people are important as you are a role model to this person, by doing this you are teaching the children/young person how to have positive relationships with other people as well. A positive relationship for a young person can be very important as this increases their confidence and trust in other people.
Positive relationships with young people are made by first of all actively listening to the children/young person and finding out there likes and dislikes, taking an interest in their personal life and most of all talking to them about these things so they know that you are listening to them, clear boundaries must be set to ensure the children have a guide that they need to follow, this will make it easier for the young person to understand that you are there friend but you are also in charge and in control, this will build respect in the relationship.
To maintain a positive relationship you need to keep on doing all the positive things you did to build the relationship because if the young person see’s that you aren’t taking as much notice about the personal life’s or you know longer know what they like or don’t like the relationship will start to break down. Children and young people need to have a strong relationship with the staff to feel comfortable and secure this will help them to enjoy themselves and less likely to show unwanted behaviour, some children/young people can also use unwanted behaviour as a form of communication as they may not have the confidence to approach a member of staff to talk to them.
From a member of staffs point of view a close relationship means they learn to recognise the children’s needs and are able to meet them, staff can also recognise their expressions and emotions and are able to respond quickly and more effectively to the child, this makes the child