After, this Greek Cypriots were building many schools like Classical Greek architecture while Turks of Cyprus were constructing modern and functional buildings which influenced by the Kemalist ideals. Kemalist ideals were approaching the western style of constructions. Later, in 1955, Greek Cypriots were creating a new fighting organization, EOKA, which aimed for union with Greece. On the other side, Turkish Cypriots were setting up another fighting organization which called for partition of Cyprus, the TMT. British came to favor the Turks in order to benefits by their services in the government jobs, like police, as Greeks refused to co-operative with them anymore. As a result, conflicts between the major communities because it was not acceptable by the Greek community, Turkish policemen were acting against the Greeks. The outcome was to fight and kill each other and the Nicosia became the first physical element of partition. The period of the independence of Cyprus, Greeks and Turks …show more content…
The names influenced by the history, geography and tradition of the specific ethnic group. Turkish Cypriots were living isolate in enclaves where did not allow the develop of their economy instead to Greek Cypriot whose economy raised by the opportunities of exports and imports. However, in 1968, the enclaves opened up and they start to cooperative with the Greeks of Cyprus as this became the two ethnic groups to work together again the negotiation for a solution start once more. But in 1974 the coup against the President of Cyprus was the occasion to intervene the Turkey army in Cyprus and the island was divided once more but this time