
Cysticercosis In America Essay

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Cysticercosis is a disease caused by ingestion of the eggs of Taenia solium. Neurocysticercosis occurs when the tapeworm parasite infests the central nervous system (CNS). This infection is becoming increasingly common in places such as, Latin America, Central America, and Southeast Asia. Immigration has increased the area of infection and stopped the confinement to certain geographical areas. These infections occur via fecal-oral route and can come from fresh produce. Most of the infections can be stopped by proper hygiene practices, which is why many of the infections occur in developing countries. Sometimes the tapeworm will leave the body without help from any medication, but treatment may be necessary in certain instances.
The earliest recorded instances of Taenia solium is in the History of Animals written by Aristotle around 350 BC. (Singh &
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In Los Angeles, California, it was found to be around 10%. (Wallin & Kurtzke, 2004) From 1990-2002, the United States had 221 deaths due to cysticercosis. (Sorvillo, DeGiorgio, & Waterman, 2007) Mortality is low in first world countries due to modern medicine and surgical care, but without surgical treatment, many infections are potentially life threatening. However, certain locations of cysticerci growth are unable to be surgically removed and are associated with a high 10-year fatality rate. Most of the infections occur in Hispanic individuals and secondly Asian individuals due to endemic areas. Despite these statistics, infection has been related to exposure rather than genetic predisposition. Other commonalities are that cysticercosis has been more commonly found in children and young females. This could be due to the lack of immune capability but the cause has not been distinguished. The age group for infected individuals spans from 10-40, but the infection has been described in all age groups.

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