1.1 bacteria - neither plant/animal. are a group of there own. very small, normally millions of them. multiply ++. single cell with NO nucleus Virus - small infectious agent, can only replicate inside living cells of organism, have genes of DNA or RNA Fungi - multicellular micro organisms including yeasts & moulds. used for making ABx. essential in decomposition Parasite- is an organism that lives on or in another organism to the detremenet of the host. feeds off host
1.2 Bacteria - URTI, pneumonia Viruses - common cold, HIV Fungi - nail infection, candida infections Parasites - Ringworm, Tic born encephalitis
1.3 Infection - invasion of the body by a foreign substance Colonisation - is when a bacterial strain invades a region of your body and starts to rapidly divide - it sets up a new colony
1.4 Systemic infection - means that the infection is throughout your body. This usually means that the bacteria have been able to invade either your circulatory system or the lymphatic system and spread. Localised infection - is restricted to a ceratin region of your body
1.5 not washing your hands, not wearing PPE, not storing or cooking foods properly, not cleaning your surroundings, not covering your nose or mouth when sneezing or coughing.
2. understand the transmission of infection
2.1 F ood A cidity T emperature T ime O xygen M oisture
2.2 Inhalation, ingestion, injection and absorption
2.3 Common sources of infection include food, water, sick people (colds and flu or winter vomiting virus etc.), animals and poor housing
2.4 Direct - Person to person (touching, biting ,intercourse) Indirect - coughing, sneezing etc.
2.5 compromised immune system lack of good safety precautions - handwashing, proper cleaning of all surfaces exposure to more infectious agents (e.g in a hospital setting) handling of body