Unit 1 Review
1. Define Anatomy
The science of the structure of the body and its relationships. 2. Define Physiology
Study of the physical and chemical processes involved in the functioning of the human body. 3. Define Metabolism. Describe the two metabolic pathways?
Set of chemical reactions that occurs in living cells to maintain life. Catabolism is cellular respiration and anabolism is the construction of proteins.
Complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells. Basis of life
4. Define Homeostasis
The maintenance of a stable equilibrium in a biological system that opposes external or internal disturbances.
5. Define the two feedback mechanisms and give examples of each mechanism
Negative feedback reduces or suppresses a change (like blood glucose levels/ a thermometer); Positive feedback promotes instability (like labor/childbirth). They are not opposite.
6. Define Incidence
The number of new cases of an infectious disease that occur within a defined population.
7. Define Opportunistic Pathogens
Microorganisms that are capable of producing an infectious disease when the health and immunity of the host has been severely weakened by illness, famine, or medical therapy.
Any microorganism that produces infection when the health and immunity of the host is severely weakened.
8. Define Normal Micro flora
The bacteria that inhabit the external and internal exposed surfaces of the human body that are normal and harmless.
Bacteria that normally and harmlessly inhabit the human body.
9. Define Prokaryotes unicellular organisms without a nucleus (i.e. bacteria)
10. Describe HIV Type 2
Endemic in West Africa
Endemic in West Africa – rarer in other parts of the world.
11. Describe Neutrophils
The white blood cell that has the greatest rate of increase during a bacterial infection
12. Describe what Macrophages do