Ethics A system of moral principles.
anatomy physiology dissection Act or process of dividing, taking apart stethoscope microorganisms pasteurization antiseptic asepsis vaccines anesthesial psychiatry telemedicine geriatric confidentiality worker's compensation chronic outpatients occupational therapy recreational therapy hydrotherapy immunizations rehabilitation communicable obstetrics orthopedics urology managed care co-payment deductible preventive microorganism bacteria virus pathogen anaerobic aerobic parasites rickettsiae spirochetes host toxins protist susceptible contaminated aseptic technique
Healthcare associated infection (fornally nosocomial)
Standard precautions sterilized disinfection autoclave pandemic epidemic Diseases affecting many people at the same time antigen antibody vaccine A weakened bacteria or virus given to a person to build immunity against a disease.
1. What ancient culture was the first to organize medical care? (physicians with armies, beginning of hospitals and public health) Romans
2. What contribution did ancient China make to medicine? Acupuncture
3. What disease is an ancient example of a pandemic? ,a modern pandemic?
4. What period of time was marked by custodial care and epidemics? The Dark Ages and the Middle Ages
5. "Rebirth" of learning occurred during the Renaissance period. What major changes in medicine occurred during this period? Building of uni’s and medical schools, search for new ideas about disease instead of God, the acceptance of dissection of the body, dev of printing press and publishing of books allowed greater access to knowledge.
People to know:
Hippocrates The Father of Medicine
William Harvey First described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart
Rene' Laennec
Edward Jenner
Louis Pasteur
Joseph Lister
Ignaz Semmelweiss
Ernst von Bergmann
Crawford Long