Discuss why it is important for billers and coders to be familiar with software programs.
Software programs like Epic, Centricity, AdvancedMD, Flash Code, Eclipse, and others have fields where coders can enter the correct procedure and diagnosis codes. These software programs may come with look-up tools that help coders find the correct code, but coders should always use their coding manuals to get the last word on which codes to use.
The benefits of working with coding software are numerous. Coders (and billers) can track claims and easily call up old reports to check for efficiency and errors. Coding software is also excellent for tracking data over long periods of time and for performance management evaluations. Software …show more content…
And it should be a priority of every coder/biller to dig in and understand the features and functions of the product their organization uses.
Name at least 2 types of software that can be used for billing and coding.
AdvancedMD, Eclipse, Epic, CollaborateMD, and Centricity are examples of practice management software used by billers and coders.
Discuss the reasons why software will never eliminate the need for physical billers and coders.
According to an article published by AHIMA, RHIT Beck DeGrosky offered this insight back in 2008. “
Layoffs in the coding department are a possibility due to CAC. But the first jobs to be cut are typically bottom-tier positions that are difficult to fill, even when there isn’t a coding shortage.” DeGrosky goes onto say, “But the technology is never going to replace jobs that require analytical skills. …There are two levels of coders in my mind,” she says. “There are the real coders, they are like hen’s teeth, they are very hard to come by. These are the people that actually read the record and make the decision not just what codes to assign but ‘what am I supposed to be coding here.” An example of this for need for human intervention is the knowledge that modifiers should never be applied automatically. Modifiers should be reviewed by an experienced coder. Also, professional coders are needed to protect from negative audits by reviewing claims before they are submitted. I see jobs for this type of position every