The Renaissance was one of the first times in history when people began to lose faith in God and focus more on people themselves and subjects like science, language, and arts. During the period before the Renaissance, also known as the Middle Ages, people had full faith in the church and god, but when people began to study more subjects about things like math and science, they began to find problems in the things that the church taught, causing them to lose faith. As these new discoveries point out, the Renaissance was a groundbreaking time for people then and now. This research can be proved if you take a look at the way art changed between the time of the Middle ages, and the Renaissance. As seen in document
The Renaissance was one of the first times in history when people began to lose faith in God and focus more on people themselves and subjects like science, language, and arts. During the period before the Renaissance, also known as the Middle Ages, people had full faith in the church and god, but when people began to study more subjects about things like math and science, they began to find problems in the things that the church taught, causing them to lose faith. As these new discoveries point out, the Renaissance was a groundbreaking time for people then and now. This research can be proved if you take a look at the way art changed between the time of the Middle ages, and the Renaissance. As seen in document