used to pick on. I was raised to be nice to everyone and not leave anybody out, so I did as I was told. My friends were really mean to this girl, and I never understood why. She did look different, but I always knew a person was more than their looks. One day, I attempted to approach her. “Hi. I’m Milyn,” I said. “I know who you are. Please leave me alone!” She exclaimed, and she stormed away. I had never said a word to her before that day, but I enabled my friends to bully her and make her feel uncomfortable so I was just as much of a bully as my friends were. I was an accomplice to their wrong doing, which I should’ve ultimately stopped. After that day, I stopped hanging out with the girls I used to call my friends. I approached the girl again, and explained that I had nothing against her, and asked for her forgiveness. I really wanted her to be my friend, not only because I felt guilty, but because I never got a chance to know her. She smiled. I knew from that moment that we’d be great friends, and I also knew from there that kindness will create positivity and happiness for everyone. Since I believe in kindness, I make it a priority to make sure I am helping a person smile in some kind of way.
Whether it’s making my mom proud, offering to help someone with homework, or simply telling someone they look radiant. Kindness is a self-rewarding action that makes a person feel good about themselves as well as the person that they are making an impact on. Imagine if terrorists were nice to the United States, or if hunters were nice to pandas, or if the police were kind to the 136 innocent victims who were killed from police brutality just this year. Imagine if all humans were kind to one another. Then there’d be no murder or any suicides. Everybody would be happy and the world would be a much better
place. Kindness isn’t just telling somebody that they’re beautiful, or that they are cool, it reaches far beyond that. Kindness is holding the elevator door for someone, or helping someone pick up books they dropped, or offering to help unload groceries. It isn’t just compliments, it actions as well. I believe that little things like such are essential to life and a person’s well-being. If everyone was kind, the world would be a happier, cleaner, more utopia-like place. I believe in the power of kindness, and I believe that it can change the world.