Submitted by Rajesh Kumar
Understanding Dalit Diaspora: A Review
In this article mainly focused on Dalit diaspora and what is the problems face Dalit people in host country. Vivek Kumar divided of diaspora in to two part first part is ‘old’ and second part is ‘new’ diaspora. In the old diaspora comprises indentured laborers and assisted laborers who were taken by the colonial power and the contractors to different countries and second part is new Dalit diaspora includes semi-literate and professionally trained dalits who have immigrated especially to London and the US and also other countries as industrial laborers, technicians, other professional and students. He says that how many Dalit indentured laborer migrate to different countries in colonial period and post-colonial period. In this article writer also talk about Dalit diaspora and cast discrimination, Dalit diaspora and social solidarity
In this article writer has define that cast identities is strong within the Indian diaspora which restrict the interaction pattern of non-dalit with the dalit diaspora. For these problems they created their own organizations to develop social solidarity with different dalit communities. For instance dalit in UK established Buddha Vihars, Gurudwaras (sikh praying place). In this context especially members of new dalit diaspora took the lead. this article are saying why dalit diaspora are making separate temple, why organized separate groups. This article are also saying that how many dalit people migrate different countries or different place. But In this article focusing only caste discrimination and dalit diaspora social solidarity not focus on dalit diaspora contribution to economy and politics. And not also focus on how many dalit women diaspora and what are the her contribution in social solidarity. Conclusion
So according to this article we can say that Therefore, an in-depth analysis of Indian