BELL Laure
Jane WES
Technology Society
10 November 2011
Subject 3:
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Chicken and bacon that is plumped with water, baby foods with high cereal content, cod stocks in dangerous decline etc. How could you apply Dan Barber’s philosophy to ensure food tastes good, is healthy and there is enough to go around? Identify possible roadblocks as well as positive outcomes.
“For the past 50 years we have been fishing the seas like we clear cut forests” (01:18-01:25, Dan Barber). The world is slowly dying because of individual gluttony and capitalisation. Our economic models are exclusively fuelled through consumption.
This paper will argue that, “Agro business is a business in liquidation, that is eroding the ecological capital that makes that very production possible.” (16:36- 17:00, Dan Barber)
Earth belongs not only to the present but also future generations. We need to plan and preserve our planet for our children, grandchildren and the future of mankind. The paper will firstly focus on the development of Agriculture over the ages. We will then discuss the drawbacks bio agriculture/extensive farming. Finally we will evaluate the positives outcomes of extensive
Cited: "Agriculture, Technology and the Economy - Economic Research - FRB Dallas." Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Web. 03 Nov. 2011. <>. Dan Barber: How I Fell in Love with a Fish | Video on TED: Ideas worth Spreading. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. <>. "Intensive Agriculture -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. <>. "Physical Education To Reduce Obesity In Children | LIVESTRONG.COM." LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. <>. "What Is Sustainable Agriculture?" UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. <>. "WIN - Statistics." Weight-Control Information Network. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.