Bibliography: Daniel 's Story the book
Bibliography: Daniel 's Story the book
‘The Book Thief’, written by Markus Zusak is a novel set in Nazi Germany that demonstrates the hardships, danger and threatening experiences faced by the German families and Jews during that time in comparison to the rewards obtained due to such experiences and how they compare in relation to each other. Liesel Meminger, the main character experiences death and loss for the first time when her father is ‘taken away’ as an alleged communist. These experiences become more common as Liesel, with ‘One eye open, one still in a dream’ witnesses her brother Werner’s death on a train to Molching. Liesel’s mother cannot financially support and provide for her and therefor makes the difficult decision to place Liesel into the care of Rosa and Hans Huberman. Liesel’s initial reluctance to accept her new home is stimulated by the reoccurring nightmares which she endures. ‘She would wake up swimming in her…
Where they would make them do hard work, so much that they would die. And if they didn’t died working, either way they would killed them, without a reason. That was the perspective from what the Germans did, however I didn’t knew how hard the Jews fight for their life, and all the things they did outside the concentration camp in order to survive. For example, they even had to cross a lake that was immense, they didn’t know how deep it was going to be, or if there would be something in the water like some type of snake or something. The only thing they wanted was to survive, and they were able to go across the lake, with all the bags and weapons they had. Also how all of them worked together to survive, for instance, when they crossed the lake, they tied all the belts together. Therefore they were able to grab it and go all together, so they wouldn’t get lost, or drown. How the Jews were able to build houses, nurseries, and a school into the woods, and live for more than two years there. They had to overcome many things in order to survive, and they never lost hope. Last of all, this story changed my perspective of the Holocaust, to that the Jews were really strong, all the things they went through, and how they were able to overcome many of their…
“From the toolbox the boy took out, of all things, a teddy bear. He reached in through the torn windshield and placed it on the pilot's chest.”“The book thief has struck for the first time – the beginning of an illustrious career.”“Then they discovered she couldn't read or write.”“Unofficially, it was called the midnight class, even though it commenced at around two in the morning. ““The last time I saw her was red. The sky was like soup, boiling and stirring. In some places it was burned. There were black crumbs and pepper, streaked across the redness.”“That was one war started. Liesel would soon be in another.”“In fact, on April 20 – the Führer's birthday – when she snatched a book from beneath a steaming pile of ashes, Liesel was a girl made of darkness.”“You are going to die.”“He was not the junior misogynistic type of boy at all.”“Her brother was dead.”“The book thief had struck for the first time – the beginning of an illustrious career.”“The Star of David was painted on their doors. The houses were almost like lepers. At the very least, they were infected sores on the German landscape.”“In the beginning, it was the profanity that made an immediate impact. It was so vehement and prolific. Every other word was either Saumensch or Saukerl or Arschloch.”“Saumensch. You call me Mama when you talk to me.”“Not leaving: an act of trust and love, often deciphered by children.”“To live. Living was living. The price was guilt and shame.”“The man did not breathe. He did not move. Yet, somehow, he traveled from the doorway to the bed and was under the covers.”“Sometimes there was humor in Max Vandenburg's voice, though its physicality was like friction – like a stone being gently rubbed across a large rock.”“From a Himmel Street window, he wrote, the stars set fire to my eyes.”“Out of respect, the adults kept everyone quiet, and Liesel finished chapter one of The Whistler.”|Though we don't know it until the end of the novel, the boy that gets the teddy bear is actually…
This paper will research and seek to determine the prophetic meaning by analyzing the material found within the passage Daniel 9:24-27 point by point, verse by verse. Daniel 9:24-27 holds the title of the utmost important prophecy to be found in scripture. In a nutshell, this passage chronologically foretells the future of the nation of Israel over a seventy-week timeframe. This vision given to Daniel is historically and biblically fulfilled further declaring its importance to the Bible.…
The Holocaust was a traumatizing and depressing time period in history due to the Nazis in the leadership of their dictator Adolf Hitler. The Nazis were a Political Party during World War ΙΙ from 1941 through 1945. Many Jews during this time were discriminated, murdered, and humiliated in front of many other Jews and Germans. “Six million Jews died in a merciless way at the hands of the Nazis” (Sherbok 1). The Holocaust is an unforgettable period in history that left a scar on many Jews including Vladek. Vladek was a Jew and a survivor of the Holocaust that experienced and witnessed several tragedies during this time. The war was over when his son Art Spiegelman is willing to write a book about the Holocaust. He asked his father Vladek if he could help him write his book by telling him his story and experiences during this time, Vladek agrees. Due to the Holocaust and unforgettable experiences Vladek went through, his life was never the same, he changed a lot in the manner of being more careful with money and resourceful with the things he had. Vladek also became very strict with his son Art Spiegelman and had a very strong character this is reasonable because as a young man he went through a crisis by going to the war at a young age, lost his wife and first son. The Holocaust definitely changed his style of living and his personality that led to a lot of consequences.…
It is sort of ironic how during that time period there were people living in peace and people living in turmoil. This diary only tells about her experience while she is hiding out, but it also gives reference to what is going on outside her family’s hide out. So from that point of view the reader can get the view of what the culture was like while Jewish people were hiding out and what is was like to be taken away and put in a concentration camp. Living in peace may mean how the German people are living because they do not have to face persecution from the government or it could mean how the Jewish that are living in hideouts are at peace because they have not been sent to a concentration camp yet. On the other hand living in turmoil can mean that the Jewish people are living fear of being caught and taken to a concentration camp and that the people that are already in the camps are already in turmoil.…
Packed into cattle trains, the Jews are tortured in unbearable conditions. There is barley any air for them to breath, extreme heat, very little food or water, and they are all packed. It is almost as if they are in a survival mode. In their desperation, they lose their hope in the government and their hope in people. They stop denying what is in front of them and they begin to accept and understand what might actually happen. After days of the brutal conditions, the train arrives at the Czechoslovakian Border. They then realize that they are not being relocated. Soon a German officer opens the train and says if they don't hand over their valuables then they will be shot and if there are not 80 of them, then all will be killed. This was another realization of how this situation is really bad.…
Research Paper 1: After researching material on Daniel 9:24-27, you will write an exegetical/expositional research paper detailing your own verse-by-verse, point-by-point interpretation of this important prophetic text. In this paper you will need to describe your own approach to Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks, but in doing so, you must also interact with the various approaches that have been suggested by individual commentators and broader eschatological/theological systems. Specifically, be sure to describe the details pertaining to the fulfillment of this prophecy, the starting time and event for the prophecy, the division of the weeks within the prophecy, and the purpose of the prophecy. Research Paper 1 is due by…
Set from 1944 until 1951, the world for all people was changing, especially the Jews. Hitler is coming to the end of his reign of terror in Germany, the holocaust was not on the decline, and the treatment of the Jews remains incomparable. One of the main conflicts that directly links itself to the history of the time period is Zionism. Zionism, an international political movement that promotes the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, fueled the creation of the state of Israel. David Malter becomes an active Zionist after reports of 6,000,000 million Jews being executed by German dictator, Adolf Hitler. At one point in the story, when Malter is in the hospital and Reuven stays with the Saunders', Reuven mentions this movement at dinner and immediately strikes a nerve with Reb Saunders. Just one example of the difference between Hasidism and Orthodox Judaism, Zionism provides and obstacle for Danny and Reuven in the middle of what might be called the high-point…
Plot * Liesel, her mother and her brother Werner are all travelling on a train, to greet Werner’s and Liesels foster parents. * Liesel, illiterate has a dream o Adolf Hitler and speaks to him in broken German. * As she is half awake, Liesels brother dies, and there were two Nazi soldiers who argue on weather they leave the body there or take it with them. * Both Liesel and her mother are traumatized by his sudden death and 2 days later he is buried. * After the ceremony finishes Liesel digs at his grave but is dragged away by her mother, but before getting on another train Liesel steals a book she is unable to even read the title of. * She is taken to a place in Munich called Himmel -"Heaven" to meet Rosa and Hans Hubermann, her foster parents. * She refuses to meet or get out of the car with her suitcase that only contains her clothes and the book she stole from her brother’s gravesite. * The only person that manages to get her out of the care is her foster father. * Liesel feels abandoned by her mother, but understands that it’s better for her to live there and be protected from the poverty; she also learns that her father was a communist, but she doesn’t yet know the meaning of that word. * Liesels foster mother acts harshly upon her and calls her a "pig girl" when she refuses to bathe, but claims to loves her. * Her foster father, Hans develops a closer relationship with her and teaches her how to roll cigarettes. she starts calling them "mama" and "papa" * Liesel got terrible nightmares about her brother the first few months and was accompanied by Hans, who she kept the book hidden from. * She kept the book as a symbol reminding her the last time she saw her brother, and the last time she saw her mother. * Liesel is put in school but has to stay with a much younger grade, just learning the alphabet. When she turns ten she joins the Hitler Youth. * Liesel makes a friend names Rudy who…
I was sitting with my family at the breakfast table drinking milk and eating a piece of burnt toast; that was when I heard the feint sound of sirens coming from the east end of the block. My dads face grew pale and my mother quickly stood up and grabbed my brother and mines hand. She guided us towards the back of the house through a small opening in the floor. Once we reached the hole, she took my brothers hand and placed it in mine, telling him to watch over me. We were put into the hole and she kissed our heads, then covered the little light we had with a rug. I started to panic, unaware of the destruction and persecution that lay before me on a silver platter. We spent a week in that ditch, although it had felt like a lifetime. All the while, I thought of my parents: where had they gone; would they soon return? One day while we were there, with cramps building up in my legs, I heard footsteps coming from above my head. My brother hoping it was our parents returning to save us from the forever darkness that we faced slid the rug over and peered up with squinting eyes. The rough man standing above us, however, was not our father, but a man I would soon come to know as, Nazi soldier. The reasons of our taking were not because of crime, but because of my ethnicity, the way I looked, the way I spoke, and even my religion.…
In 1936, when the story opens, much of Europe was in the grips of an economic depression. Millions of people were out of work. In Germany, conditions were particularly harsh. The country had been on the losing side of World War I, and it was broke from waging war. To make matters worse, the treaty that ended the war demanded that Germany pay some of the Allies (the countries that had fought against Germany, including Britain, France, the United States, and Russia) large sums of money to compensate for the suffering the war had caused. In addition, the treaty forbade Germany from establishing another army. All of these elements came together to make the German people feel bitter and hopeless. Humiliated, hungry, angry at the world and uncertain of the future, they looked for a leader—and someone to blame for their troubles. As a result, when Adolf Hitler began talking about his plan to restore Germany’s pride and prosperity, people were ready to listen. And when he suggested that the Jews were responsible for many of Europe’s problems, his audience was happy to have a target for their anger and frustration. Why did Hitler blame the Jews for Germany’s problems? He was tapping into a vein of anti-Semitism (meaning “hatred of…
Eliezer and other Jewish people live on the town of sighet, Moishe one of the townspeople warn everybody about the nazis and no one listens, one the jewish are captured, most are killed and tortured. Eliezer and his dad goes through each camps as they experience new ways of how the Nazis dehumanize the jewish people. Wiesel engages readers’ emotions with powerful unforgettable moments in order to achieve his purpose. Wesiel wants to help readers come to a greater understanding of the Holocaust and make them think about how Dehumanization is shown across the story.…
The parallel between the secular and the religious is the main conflict in the novel. The friendship between Reuven and Danny is an example of this contrasting parallel. Reuven has more flexible religious customs and Danny comes from a strict Hasidic background. This struggle also happens to Danny internally, who has to choose between a life of unreligious views studying psychology, and a life devoted only to being a Hasidic tzaddik. The religious symbolizes history and tradition, and the secular symbolizes modernism and societal progression. Potok developed this theme to question Judaism’s place in the modern world, because its believers are torn between their faith and worldly beliefs.…
The author tells the tale of the murder of a child, for whom a Jewish butcher is blamed, and subsequently causes violence against all Jewish residents in the town. The Jewish butcher was accused of the murder not because of the overwhelming evidence against him, but simply because the Christians of that town were made to believe, generation after generation, that Jews performed ritual murders, despite the fact that they were living in a time when democracy was progressing and rights of citizens were expanding, including those of Jews, and despite the fact that 19th century works on ritual murder charges showed them to have been a hoax from the start. The town had one of the most integrated Jewish minorities in all of Europe. Yet, the taunts and threats that started small with nightly demonstrations by teenage boys, quickly graduated to accusations requiring local government issuances of public warnings against the threats. Ultimately, the bigotry was so engrained in their belief, that neighbor turned against neighbor, and riots and violence followed. The book reflects that throughout the ages, anti-Semites have used these types of accusations to justify their behavior toward Jews and to substantiate their prejudices against them.…