When you 're a soldier in a distant land. you expect the enemies to be outside your base. in my essay im going to be talking about the enemies within the barbed wire pass the gates and guards on duty. This enemy is wearing the same camouflage as you. They serve with you. They go everywhere with you. It could be the solder on your left or the solder on the right. Pvt. Danny Chen, a Private in the U.S Army was serving in Afghanistan. He was considered a
“weak” soldier by his squad mates. He was issued “corrective training” by his squad leader because he fell asleep or forgot his helmet. this “training” lasted 6 weeks. it also went against army policy. Chen was not allowed to go to a nearby base with senior officers,and others to …show more content…
It said in part, “I hit your son with a wooden mallet in the chest to congratulate him on his promotion, my actions were juvenile and not in line with the Army Values." Fort bragg officials released an official statement:
This incident was an unofficial promotion ceremony where the acting first sergeant showed poor judgment. His actions do not represent the noncommissioned leadership in the 82nd Airborne
Division. The NCO (noncommissioned officer) has received punishment under the Uniform Code of Military justice as well as administrative punishment that was placed in his official file and will be taken into consideration whenever his file is reviewed,
The NCO will not go through a courtmartial as he was already punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
He cannot be punished twice for the same incident under UCMJ,
The very foundation of what we do depends on trust, and trust depends on the treatment of all Soldiers with dignity and respect by fellow Soldiers and leaders.
To me the is one of a few case that I 've read where justice has been served somewhat. Sgt.
Carpenter gave Sgt. Roach an injury the could be career ending, because if a serviceman is …show more content…
I think there was. There was some college prank type stuff. The push to prosecute three soldiers, all of whom faced potential prison time, was an unprecedented overreaction by senior Army leaders.” Lt. Col.
Joe Lynch, commander of the Georgia’s 3rd Squadron, 108th Cavalry Regiment. “Our Army is much better than this, and to see this form of immature frat house activity with leaders knowing it is going on, is just criminal,” Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling Commander of Army
Europe. But What is the Army? The Army is a bunch of college aged people living together just like a sorority or a frat house. they also are very physical like a sports team. In a Survey on
11,482 Undergraduate students between the age of 1825 (enlisted age requirement is 1730). the survey showed that 74% of students who participated in Varsity athletics experienced some sort of hazing. 73% of students in a sorority or a fraternity experienced some sort of hazing. Which includes drinking games, sleep deprivation, being screamed at, drinking large amounts of liquids, be awakened during the night, being humiliated publicly, and last but not less performing