The Inferno begins when Dante strays off the rightful and straight path of moral truth and gets lost in a dark wood. He gets attack by three beasts that symbolize different sins. Fortunately, he then meets the spirit of the Roman epic poet Virgil. Virgil to the rescue! He’s an appropriate guide because he’s very much like Dante, a fellow writer and famous poet. For the rest of the Inferno, Virgil takes Dante on a guided tour of Hell, through all its nine circles and back up into the air of the mortal world.…
Inferno is Dante’s first poem in his The Divine Comedy. The poem starts with Dante traveling in dark where he loses his way. He is trying to get to his beloved Beatrice who is waiting for him. She sends ghost of Virgil to bring Dante to her. In order to get to Heaven, Dante will have to go through heaven, something that almost everyone did in Christian world. At the beginning, they enter the gate of hell. The First Circle of the Hell is for those people who never done anything good or bad in their life, here they run all day long with hornets biting them. In the Second Circle of the Hell, Dante sees that the some souls are stuck in a devastating storm. In the Third Circle of Hell, Dante sees that Gluttonous…
Dante and Virgil are outside the eighth Circle of Hell, known as Malebolge. The circle has a wall along the outside, and has a circular pit in the center. The ridges create ten separate pits. This is where the people receive their punishment for fraud. This is where Virgil and Dante see souls from one side to another. The demons with great whips cause pain to the souls when they come to the demon’s reach, which then force the souls to the other ridge. There is an Italian that Dante recognize and he speaks to him. The Italian tells Dante that he lived in Bologna, and now is there to sell his sister. The pit is for the Seducers and the Panders, and then Dante saw the Jason of mythology who abandoned Medea. When Virgil and Dante had…
Dante’s Inferno is a story about how two men and their travels through hell, the different levels of hell, who was in them, and what they did during their time on Earth. There were nine circles and some of them had different levels inside the circles for example the seventh circle of hell is divided between three smaller circles. Then they eventually emerge back out onto the earth but on the opposite side of the earth from where they had started.…
Before Dante and Virgil enter Hell proper, they find the opportunists in the vestibule. They are running around wildly chasing a banner, while nude being stung by hornets and wasps. When the split came between Satan and God, they tried to stay neutral, and now they must suffer their punishment. Here, the banner symbolizes a leader, serving as a direct punishment for their indecisive nature. They come across limbo next, where the virtuous pagans are. These are the souls of good non-Christians, who are stuck in limbo because they were never baptized and never went to church to study Jesus. This is where Virgil and the poets reside. Limbo is not a bad place to be, and their only punishment is that they will never get to see the face of God. This is a fitting punishment because while alive they never knew of God,…
The Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's epic three-part poem, The Divine Comedy. Dante, in the poem develops many themes throughout the adventures of his travelers from political to religious. The Inferno is a work that Dante used to express his ideas of God's divine justice. It is a horror story we can read from the safety of our armchair, just as the characters, like someone playing a virtual-reality game, wanders through every scene unscathed.…
Dante’s Inferno depicts all the different types of major sins you can commit in your lifetime and the punishments you will endure thereafter. Dante had a system for these punishments that worked on the idea of divine justice. Basically, whatever temptations you succumbed to, you will be punished in a deserving manner based on how bad the sin was. Dante’s 9 circles were in order from bad to worse, 9 being the worst.…
The second circle of this hell is lust. Dante set up his hell with nine levels. each level has a different punishment for a different sin. the lower level you go, the worse the punishment gets. the easiest punishment is level one which is paganism and it descends and gets harder from there. Each level is designed to accommodate the people that will be in it and the punishments that are in each.…
In Canto V Dante reaches the second circle of hell, the Carnal, and it is designated for the sinners who put their own passion and love for others before their love and passion of God. Dante felt sympathetic and pity for those who dwelled in this circle especially the spirits of Paolo and Francesca. Francesca told Dante how her and Paolo ended together, “Love led us to one death.” “In the depth of Hell,” (Canto V:103) both Francesca and Paolo were married and they had an affair and when Francesca’s husband found the two together he killed them both. The sin that they committed is adultery and so they spend eternity in a whirlwind of flight within the Carnal. Dante states, “Francesca, what you suffer here melts me to tears of pity and of pain.” (Canto V:113-114) Dante was so overwhelmed with compassion by this…
In the Inferno, mutilation is the most common way for those in hell to be given the ineluctable punishment for their sins. Mutilation is an act or physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of the body. Mutilation is both used in the inferno as a way to cause physical pain to those in hell, but the form of mutilation used on the sinners is also a form of emotional torture because it pertains directly to their sin. Because mutilation is used so frequently in the inferno Dante must use varying ways to depict the mutilation that is forced on the sinners. Dante uses vivid imagery, Homeric similes, and symbolism to help develop the theme of mutilation as he travels through the Inferno.…
Dante's Divine Comedy is a moral comedy that is designed to make the readers think about their own morals. The poem could have been used almost as a guide for what and what not to do to get into Heaven for the medieval people. Dante takes the reader on a journey through the "afterlife" to imprint in the readers’ minds what could happen to them if they don't follow a Godlike life and to really make the reader think about where they will go when they die and where they would like to go when they die. In the Divine Comedy, Dante uses his imagination and his knowledge of the people's perception of the "afterlife" to create a somewhat realistic yet somewhat imaginary model of the afterlife.…
Dante feels hell is a necessary, painful first step in any man's spiritual journey, and the path to the blessed after-life awaits anyone who seeks to find it, and through a screen of perseverance, one will find the face of God. Nonetheless, Dante aspires to heaven in an optimistic process, to find salvation in God, despite the merciless torture chamber he has to travel through. As Dante attempts to find God in his life, those sentenced to punishment in hell hinder him from the true path, as the city of hell in Inferno…
Like the Book Dante’s Inferno it symbolizes that Dante went through hell with Virgil just to meet Beatrice. He went through which was horrible disgusting difficult. But at the end he met Beatrice and was happy well not really but he did feel a lift off his chest that he finally reached and after going through all of that. Dante imagined something cool his imagination was wonderful and creative. Hell is horrible he went through the 7 Deadly Sins. Which was Pride which meant excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Then there’s Envy which is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Third one is Gluttony which is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Fourth is Lust which…
During his journey, Dante is guided by Virgil, the symbol of human reason. When they approach the boatman Phlegyas, he becomes enraged that they are not sinners, but Virgil's word convinces Phlegyas to take them across, symbolic that human reason can shine through obstacles. However, Dante address the idea of Hell to be too much for the simple human mind to understand, so an angel must open the doors of Dis for them to pass through.…
In The Inferno, hell is in a spiral shape, and is divided up by the seriousness of the sin committed. The sinners are stuck in their location in hell where there punishment fit the crime that they committed. At the top of hell is where what Dante considered the least sinful people belonged. This is the home of the people who suffered from lust, and gluttony.…