is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Fifth is anger which is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Sixth is Greed which is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spirtual. Seventh is Sloth which is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. A Next example of a Book I would use is Of Mice and Men in this book the ending was horrible I started crying.
But at the end some people where happy some weren’t. The sad part was that Lennie died very harshly. He did some horrible things but no one should be killed the way him and Curly’s wife did. What I’m trying to say is many people say a light a flicker at the end something that woke them up. Lennie’s death is what woke them up the book showed that more readers felt worse for lennie then Curly’s Wife. I think it’s because lennie was one the main characters and he had many dreams even though he was sick. Curly’s wife was something surprising but for me not something to cry over. This quote symbolizes these two books very well if you look very deep into
In Conclusion, I think these two books interpret the quote pretty good you just have to look deep into it to realize it. At the end of these two books there was something that woke up these characters. When the books started they introduced them self’s but as the story goes on its gets worse. In Of Mine and Men George’s best friend was Lennie they dreamt all their dreams together and wanted them to come true. They wanted their own farm with a lot of animals and not be bossed around. There’s get bad then worse it goes back and forth there’s either a good beginning with a bad ending, or a bad beginning and great ending. All Books are different and this quote kind of explains some books I read like The Inferno and Of Mice and Men.