Enduring onto the succeeding subpoint, four characters in Daria represent the system of institutionalized body standards. These ladies are Quinn Morgendorffer, Daria’s younger sister, and her friends who are known as the “The Fashion Club”. The Fashion Club is comprised of Quinn and three other girls by the names of Tiffany, Staci, and Sandi. At Lawndale High, these four women are considered the utmost beautiful and prevalent clique in the school. Quinn, Tiffany, Staci, and Sandi have …show more content…
However, we can argue that the show was aired during, and may have subtly contributed to this consumeristic period. Women’s empowerment is referred to as the aptitude for women to decisively strengthen themselves through several interests and actions. With that, some female characters like Daria, Jane, Mrs. Morgendorffer, and Jodie are wonderful representations of women’s empowerment due to their empowering characteristics and personality. Secondly, we explored the Riot Grrrl and Power feminism movements within the Third Wave and gave examples to how Daria ties into each of these notable facets of the Third Wave. Finally, Daria represented the consumeristic era through narrowcasting, the problematic effects of institutionalized body standards on women, and the selling of commodity feminism to young