He was not a very big man, scrawny with a deteriorating appearance. After spending two years in Jackson at the mental institution (249). His speech is nearly incomprehensible and his thoughts, scattered. His eyes jump all around the room while he speaks and he can hardly focus on one thought before jumping to the next. Without further investigation, one wouldn’t doubt that …show more content…
Sanity is being mostly or completely in control of your actions and having the capacity to think through the consequences. Moreover, knowing right from wrong and reflecting upon situations and processing them adequately; knowing the proper way to react. Based on this definition, “insanity” would mean the opposite. Insanity is when someone is not fully in control of their actions and potentially doesn’t have the capacity to think through their issues in a logical manner. Being mentally detached from society and acting solely on emotions, especially extreme …show more content…
Darl might have not considered whether burning the barn down was the best idea and what the consequences would be but he certainly thought through cremating his mother and giving her a better ending than what their family had already put her through. His thought process only seemed to get through to Cash at the time, ignorance from the rest of his family and their selfish desires to arrive in Jefferson was undoubtedly what clouded their visions. His extreme actions and descent into insanity can be blamed on his family’s disregard for one another and selfishness. His sister was too preoccupied with her pregnancy, Jewel with his horse, Vardaman, the youngest brother, with going into town for a train, Cash for a graphophone, and Anse for new teeth and ultimately, a new Mrs. Bundren. Darl desired for his family to focus on his mother and he believed that their apathy regarding her death was undeserved, so he acted in her best interest, or what he believed was in her best