● The Daphnia survived less than a week under the strong acids and bases because Daphnia can easily become stressed under different conditions like the pHs. ● The water tanks had an increase in Compounds that form H+ ions in the water tanks (acids; pH of three and five) and an increase Compounds that form OH ions (basis; pH of twelve) as our classed has learned about this in the biochemistry unit.
● The reason why people would care about our data results and experiment is that the Daphnia and the the different pHs are just a representation of what can happen in the real world as aquatic habitats and ecosystems can be critically impacted as different forms of acids, such as acidic rain and bases and can kill not just Daphnia but also other aquatic organism due to human activity. As well as inform people how vital pH can affect an entire habitat and even ecosystem.
● Our hypothesis was valid because we proved that testing Daphnia in a strong pH (three and five) and a strong acid (twelve) the survival rate of the Daphnia would drop, which did as the Daphnia continued to day from day to day as the acids and bases caused it harm.
● The relationship between the Daphnia and the level of independent variable was seen as we put the Daphnia in different pHs and saw that died in different ways.
● We did counter some errors throughout our experiment, as we were putting the pH chemicals into the water instead of having it drop to a pH of five it dropped to a pH of 3.5 but luckily we restored it back to a pH of five by adding more pH up instead of down.
● To make our project better we want to include the amount of pH up (basis) and