relationship with his biological brother and mother. There is a possibility that they are triggers though all the negative experiences they shared. He gets jealous of his brother for being the favored sibling, getting all of the mothers’ affection, and being successful in life. Hate and rage must rush through his head when he thinks about his mother and how she was a poor role model and neglectful towards him. I believe Dave developed abandonment issues because he witnessed his father’s suicide at the age of five. That’s what triggered him to choke and almost kill his beloved girlfriend. He doesn’t like the idea of being singled out and abandoned by the people closest to him. We can’t forget about his drinking problem. I believe he drinks because he is depressed about his life in general. He talks about not having a future and how he was a “mistake.” Behaviorist therapy uses reinforcements to change desired behaviors.
There are two forms of reinforcement, which are positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements. Was Dave given any type of positive reinforcement throughout his life? I don’t believe he did but I do believe that his life was full of disciplinary actions. In his hostile household he was beaten by his uncle Tyler whenever he would raise his voice against his mother. How can anyone ever improve when they are mentally and psychically abused? His older brother Richard constantly told him that he wouldn’t amount to much. His uncle said he was the reason there was tension in the house. This negative environment implies that Dave is always at fault. If Dave leaves his environment and surrounds himself with caring individuals then he might have a normal …show more content…
life. As a kid, he should have been sent to the corner for a time out and reflect on his actions. Words stick like glue and the two males in his family only shut him down where they should have been a positive role model. He had no emotional support throughout his childhood. Through the grades of four through seven he was shy and quiet student. That was the small window where he could have turned his life around. Sometimes a little reassurance is the best positive reinforcement. Just like a teacher would give a student a high-five for a great test score, Dave’s guardians should have cooked his favorite dish for every week he didn’t cause any trouble. Or take him to the park every day he was well behaved and listened to Uncle Tyler and his mother. This is also known as shaping behavior because you can manipulate a client’s behavior to your desired expectations. I believe Dave learned all his bad traits through his Uncle Tom because he was the “model male.” He witnessed first-hand how physical and how hard an individual should hit. He must have observed and learned how tough one should be. He learned through observation and self-enforcement. He always tested how far he could go and exceeded his boundaries. Cognitive Behaviorism operates under the principle that by changing thinking patterns, one can alter feelings and behavior.
In this therapy an individual is supposed to recognize the irrational belief, confront the belief, dispute the belief, and replace it with a more rational belief. These feelings are not always reduced but are less severe where one learns to live with the belief. He has a number of negative beliefs such as, “I’m not good enough,” “It’s always my fault,” “Everyone hates me,” and “Don’t trust anyone.” For example, I want to discuss the belief of “It’s always my fault.” A therapist would say why? Why do you believe it is your fault? Dave was born and raised believing that it’s always his fault. Thanks to his uncle and older brother they have burned the idea of fault to his brain. Dave has to realize that it’s not just him. He isn’t perfect and neither are any of his family members. He then has to come up with a rational belief such as “It’s okay to make mistakes, no one is perfect.” This rational belief doesn’t put all the blame on Dave and it also claims it is okay to make mistakes here and there. I would suggest that Dave should try behavioristic and cognitivist therapy because I believe everyone could benefit from a little therapy. I also believe that Dave should look into other therapies. I recommend he tries psychodynamic therapy to help tear down his defense mechanisms. While looking for a deeper meaning in his suppressed emotions. Dave talked about
not having a future and lacks purpose in life. I recommend essentialism and humanism forms of therapy because he might be open a warm, open hand for once.