1905 Ahmed Dawood was born in Bantva, a renowned place in the state of Kathiawar, India. 1917 Ahmed Dawood went to his grandfather, Abdul Ghani Haji Noor Mohammad in a small town Terichura in the state of Maysore to learn under his guidance. He worked in his Grandfathers shop of cotton yarn and various utilities for about two years, where he was introduced to the business basics. 1918 Owing to the keen interest of Ahmed Dawood in business, his Grandfather sent him to Shimoga, Maysore, to his business partner Hashim Haji Ghani. There he worked very hard in a large cereals store for two years. His responsibilities included business dealings, accounting, interacting with labor, ensuring deliveries and payment etc. He also started travelling in nearby towns for business. 1920 After the death of his father, Ahmed Dawood decided to run his own business. With his little savings, at the age of 15, migrated to Bombay. Under the supervision of his Grandfather he established his own shop in Hanuman Building, Tambakatha. Ahmed Dawood started his own shop and named it M/s Salman Ahmed after his younger brother and himself. 1941 Ahmed Dawood migrated back to his homeland Bantva. 1947 Mr. Ahmed Dawood migrated to Pakistan. Understanding the need for industrial development as the only means for the prosperity of this newly born state, he initiated a number of industrial projects in East and West Pakistan. 1949 Lawrencepur woolen & Textile Mills were founded, and acquired its name after the Military Commander of the area before Independence, Sir John Lawrence. 1952
Pakistan's industrial sector was lacking in textile processing units due to the non-availability of quality yarn. Realizing this need, Dawood Cotton Mills Limited was set up in Karachi, which commenced production in January 1952. 1954 Burewala Textile Mills Limited was established at Burewala, District Vehari, in Punjab. It was one of the largest spinning and weaving mills of Pakistan at that