Social Studies Thematic essay question
It as once said that “Political, economic and social conditions have often led to turning points that have changed the course of history for nations and peoples.” In other words at times of discomfort within a region or country they tend to lead to a revolution to meet the most publics wants and needs. One example of a turning point in our history is “The French Revolution”. The reason being for its importance is The French Revolution marked the beginning of prodigious changes that would affect world history. Despite the revolution occurring internally in France and only lasting twelve years (1787-1799), the lasting effects would be felt internationally, with direct repercussions reaching from areas as far as North America to the Dutch East Indies. Despite some of the Revolution's consequences being short-lived, it is obvious that after viewing the cultural, social, and political effects of the French Revolution it should be regarded as successful. Effects of the Revolution range from as petit as the spread of the metric system to as grand as the shift from absolutism to republicanism. …show more content…
In addition There is universal agreement that the political and administrative face of France was wholly altered: a republic based around elected – mainly bourgeois - deputies replaced a monarchy supported by nobles while the many and varied feudal systems were replaced by new, usually elected institutions which were applied universally across France.
Culture was also affected, at least in the short term, with the revolution permeating every creative endeavour. However, there is still debate over whether the revolution permanently changed the social structures of France or whether they were only altered in the short
Another example is “The Enlightenment Age”. The Age Of Reason, as it was called, was vastly spreading very quickly across the European continent. In the late 17th century, scientists like Isaac Newton and writers like John Locke were opposing the original unethical order. Newton's laws of gravity and motion described the world in ways of natural laws beyond any spiritual force. In the wake of political turmoil in England, Locke made people reconsider the right of people to change a governmental system that did not appropriately protect or protect natural rights of life, liberty and property at all. People were beginning to doubt the continued survival of a God who could determine the life of human beings in advance to heaven or hell indefinitely and empower a tyrant for a king. Europe would be forever changed by these ideas. The Enlightenment Age is an important factor history turning point because the old way of life was represented by a common held but unjustified belief beyond scientific explanation, also a causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event of an angry God, and absolute submission to authority. The thinkers of the Age of Reason created something new` in a new way of thinking. This new way supported the cause of the accomplishments of humankind. Individuals did not have to accept the complete loss or absence of hope. Science and reason could bring happiness and progress. Kings did not rule by divine right. They had a responsibility to their subjects. Europeans thought about the concluded statement for nearly a century. In conclusion both implemented issues in this essay are both very strong and are connected turning points in our history. They both changed the way of life indefinitely to revolutionize the lives of many.