“On the Fear of Death,” by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, is an essay that examines the increases in medical technology that may be responsible for a greater fear of death, more emotional problems, and an important need to understand the circumstances involved with death. In my opinion, this is an excellent essay that describes how different cultures and individuals have dealt with death through traditions. Kubler-Ross also describes how people may be affected emotionally with the death of a loved one and different ways children are involved and taught about death. She seems to be a great supporter of people dying at home under care in a comfortable environment. Dying at home can help the survivors be more at ease with the thought of their own death, decrease emotional problems associated with death, and help with the understanding of the required decisions regarding the circumstances of death.…
Death is all around us. Death happens to everyone no matter if he wants it or not. Every…
Death is usually a word most people never want to think or talk about. But death is something that's always going to be there no matter what, it’s inevitable and part of our human life cycle. The worst way a person can die is alone. When people imagine a funeral they usually picture people, wearing black, crying for the person being buried. People never imagine a person being alone when they pass away with no one there to claim their body. Nobody wants to die alone, they want to be remembered. Imagine what it was like for George Bell to have no one there for him in, “The Lonely Death of George Bell” by N. R. Kleinfield.…
Authors of _Death & Dying, Life & Living_ identify six goals of death education. It is the third goal that will be the focus of my paper. According to Corr et al the third goal of death education is to prepare individuals for their public roles as citizens. In this way, death education helps to clarify important social issues that face society and its representatives, such as advance directives in health care (Corr et al, 2009). We each have the right and responsibility to make healthcare decisions for ourselves. There may be a time, whether from accident or illness, when you are no longer able to make important and necessary medical decisions. This is an opportunity for you to express your wishes and direct your healthcare decisions in advance before they may be needed.…
Two examples of moral issues affecting health care are that some pharmacists feel they can refuse filling prescriptions for birth control because they feel it is wrong and I feel that is a moral issue for the fact it is just an opinion of…
Death is an event, dying is a process. Modern medicine today works very hard to help people live longer and avoid that dreaded day when death comes. The healthcare system is prolonging life, but is it always the answer, forcing someone to continue a suffering life. Doctors sometimes unintentionally instill false hope in patients by offering treatment that most likely will not work or benefit the patient. Prolonging life has ethical and moral issues. Death is also a very taboo topic in our culture and should not be discussed or accepted. The doctors and pharmaceutical companies that are prolonging life do not fully understand the damage they are causing to society surrounding death.…
Have you ever woken up in the morning ready to work and you get a phone call saying that one of your loved ones has died? Death is something unexpected, no one ever knows when the time is going to come for them. Facing death definitely adds value to life because you realize things that weren't relevant to you before; this helps you determine how to live for the rest of your life. Cherishing moments with your family are the best memories to take with you before your ending.…
According to Oxford dictionary, the word “death” is the action or fact of dying or being killed. When it’s going to happen is unknown, but when it does, it has a tremendous impact. The narrator, Death in The Book Thief, captures the idea of death which can be brought upon in many different situations, without our control "Of course, an introduction. A beginning. Where are my manners? I could introduce myself properly, but it’s not really necessary. You will know me [narrator, death] well enough and soon enough" (4). Whether it is liked or not, death is inevitable. Even though dying is a normal part of existence, most people still fear it. Death should not cause people to live in trepidation or fright, but rather to live their lives with a…
First I am going to give a little bit of overview about how people other than myself feel about death and what they think death really is. “The word death comes from Old English deað, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *dauþaz (reconstructed by etymological analysis). This comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem *dheu- meaning the 'Process, act, condition of dying'.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death) There are also said to be many different processes that actually consider someone dead. Physiological death is seen as a process not just an event. In this process there is a dividing line between life and death that depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs. Clinical death is not necessary or sufficient for a determination of legal death. Someone that has a working heart and lungs determined to be brain dead can be pronounced legally dead without clinical death occurring. The medical definition of death becomes more problematic, paradoxically, as scientific knowledge and medicine advance. There are also different signs of death or strong indications that a person is no longer alive such as cessation of breathing, cardiac arrest, pallor mortis, livor mortis, algor mortis, rigor mortis, and decomposition. Cardiac arrest is having no pulse, pallor mortis is paleness which happens in the 15-120 minutes after death, livor mortis is a settling of the blood in the lower portion of the body, algor mortis is the reduction in body…
Death is a dreaded word. It is a word that many people would not want to talk about. Death is considered a morbid word and many would not find this as an engaging topic. According to Patricelli (2007), “[d]eath remains a great mystery, one of the central issues with which religion and philosophy and science have wrestled since the beginning of human history. Even though dying is a natural part of existence, American culture is unique in the extent to which death is viewed as a taboo topic. Rather than having open discussions, we tend to view death as a feared enemy that can and should be defeated by modern medicine and machines”. There are also people that have negative connotations about death, rendering life even meaningless because of it. Death appears to render life meaningless for many people because they feel that there is no point in developing character or increasing knowledge if our progress is ultimately going to be thwarted by death (Augustine, 2000). But the author contends that there is a point in developing character and increasing knowledge before death overtakes us: to provide peace of mind and intellectual satisfaction to our lives and to the lives of those we care about for their own sake because pursuing these goals enriches our lives. From the fact that death is inevitable it does not follow that nothing we do matters now. On the contrary, our lives matter a great deal to us. If they did not, we would not find the idea of our own death so distressing--it wouldn't matter that our lives will come to an end. The fact that we're all eventually going to die has no relevance to whether our activities are worthwhile in the here and now: For an ill patient in a hospital a doctor's efforts to alleviate pain certainly does matter despite the fact that 'in the end' both the doctor and the patient will be dead (Augustine).…
Nobody wants to die, but death is an inevitable and complex phenomena. To say goodbye to loved one is always difficult. In some cases, it is harder when death comes sooner than later by some serious diagnosis. I think the most important point that a health-care professional needs to consider on the subject of death, dying or grieving is to respect the wishes of patients and families. Health-care professionals should provide training and education about death, dying, and bereavement to the families. Also, healthcare providers should be familiar with the ethics and cultures of the patients and families which they belong to. Death, dying or grieving processes can be culturally or traditionally different among patients. “Some physicians can keep…
The dying process is a subject that many people do not like to discuss. To them it is a scary process and a lot of “what if” questions. Death affects everyone emotionally, physically. spiritually, and mentally. Death can occur in infants, children, teens, and adults and most people think that when older adults die that it’s okay but if some is young people say it was before their time. God knows when it is our time, even when we do not understand at that time. Looking at death, there are sometime situations that you can get help to prepare yourself and your family when a death occurs. There are three types of education that can help, which are crisis intervention education, routine death education, and death education for members of the helping profession (Feldman,…
Death is a necessity to culture and society therefore it is irrational to fear the unenviable and the necessary. Death whether physical or non-physical will always cause change. The change that is caused by death does not always have to be direct but can manifest itself as an indirect change. Throughout time societies have risen and fallen, times changes, nothing is ever going to stay the same. Death is a factor that will impact everyone who is alive as they will meet death. As society’s change and cultures evolve so do the people; to keep change occurring death must ensue for creation to occur. Society’s and cultures depend on death. Death is the drive of progression which drives society’s and cultures to get farther from the unetible death.…
“Last Night” by James Salter is a story about dying and the right to do it on your own terms. Marit Such, one of the three characters, is dying from metastasized uterine cancer. Once a beautiful woman, she has become only a shadow of her former self. Stripped of hope and unwilling to live in this state she has decided to end her life with an overdose of her prescription medication. Marit choose to die with dignity, right which people should have when they figure enough is enough.…
One main gap issue is the fact that many Americans are dying in hospitals rather than at home (Razmaria, 2016). Dying in a hospital can be beneficial because it keeps medical professionals nearby at all times but it can also seem distant and cold to others including family and friends who must come to terms with seeing their loved ones pass in a sterile and foreign environment (Hunt, Shlomo, & Addington-Hall, 2014). In addition to this the general approach towards end of life care has been manipulated in the US to demonstrate a resistance to accepting death as an inevitable fate. Even as patients slip into worse and worse conditions, doctors are motivated to continue pushing for treatment and different procedures (Bynum, et.al, 2013). Many individuals who are in these situations may find it more peaceful and less stressful if they worry about addressing their own comfort needs before subjecting themselves to unnecessary and ultimately futile attempts to prolong life by any means…