Most American obstetric practice in hospitals is not based on science, but on myth. How obstetrics perform procedures may in fact be high- tech, but it is in truth not real science what you don’t know about modern medicine can have temporary or permanent effects on you, as well as on your unborn child. The choice you make in childbirth for your baby; home vs. hospital, midwife vs. doctor, and natural vs. medicated birth, will actually have an impact on your child for life. It can be good or ill. The choice is yours. Should you have your baby at home?
Today in the United States, in the twenty first century, advances in science and technology made many positive changes in our quality of life, and specifically on medicine. Yet more and more women from all walks of life are choosing to give birth in their own homes – the old fashioned way.
Why? The fact is, is spite of all the good that has come from scientific discoveries and experiments, medical science ahs not been able to improve upon the human body and the way it was designed to work, when our bodies are not functioning the way they were created to function, then yes, we are more fortunate than our ancestors in the modern medical intervention can help sometimes.
So why are families deciding to go along with a home-birth?
Though each couple may have individual reasons, the majority of them plan a home-birth because they believe that most of the time a pregnancy and childbirth are normal functions of a healthy body, not a potential life and death crisis that requires the supervision of a surgeon.
“Doctors have a lot of education of pathology, drugs, surgery, and intervention of all sorts. Their education colors their prospective, and affects the way they see and treat pregnancy and birth. And while a sick woman or women with complications need that perspective and should use doctors, healthy women experiencing normal pregnancies need a whole