A Spiritual Perspective
Of the Body
Physical Fitness and the Christian
By Diehl and Morris
Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Present, discuss, and recognize the importance of a scriptural perspective of the body.
2. Understand the unique contributions of general and special revelation to our understanding of the body.
3. Knowledgeably discuss and answer questions concerning the six areas of truths from Scripture, with key references, which help develop a godly perspective of the body.
4. Understand and explain the influence of Greek philosophy as a source of error and confusion with regard to the body being considered evil.
5. Understand the various meanings of the terms “body” and “flesh” in their Greek and Hebrew bases as well as in their current usage and how those multiple meanings can be a source of error and confusion.
6. Explain and answer questions regarding the foundational principles for physical fitness and the Christian presented in the final portion of the chapter.
It is generally believed that our attitude toward our bodies contributes significantly to how we feel about ourselves. Studies have shown that body image or body attitude plays a contributing role in the development of our self concept and our feelings of self worth (Zion, p. 494). This has created a dilemma for some Christians.
As one who has been given a “new nature” as a result of accepting Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, the Christian is often uncertain as to whether concern for the physical body is a lingering attribute of the old sin nature or a legitimate part of his efforts in his new life in Christ. Should the conclusion be drawn from I Timothy 4:8, “bodily exercise profits a little,” that greater levels of spirituality could be reached through greater levels of physical inactivity? Or, should efforts be poured into achieving maximal levels of physical