Service companies should outsource environmental scanning to specialists.
Allow us to define this motion.
We define a service company as a company which delivers services to its customers. According to Philip Kotler a service is defined as; "any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product".
The core competency of a service company is delivering service related to the industry it is operating in.
According to Maurice Greaver II author of strategic outsourcing, Outsourcing is the act of transferring some of a companies’ recurring internal activities and/or decision rights to outside providers.
Environmental Scanning, often referred to as an early warning system, is monitoring the external environment beyond your competitors and industry. Properly implemented, a strong environmental scanning capability allows the organization to monitor trends, issues and events to understand the patterns and enable the early identification of both opportunities and risks. In a rapidly changing world, this early identification can allow your organization to prepare and develop an appropriate action plan.
We feel service companies should outsource their environmental scanning to professional research companies who have environmental scanning as their core competency as service companies have not.
According to Maurice Greaver II author of strategic outsourcing; Outsourcing has become more important in today’s fast changing environment, with its increase in knowledge, flexibility and performance, it’s causing organizations to rethink their activities.
In the recent years companies have started to embrace the idea of focusing on their core competencies and outsourcing their none core competencies. Business process outsourcing lets companies take