Information sharing is an important and necessary tool in learning organizations. A learning organization is those which, offers all members the opportunity to learn to traverse a continuous transformation. This type of organization is also known as acquiring understanding, knowledge, skills etc. for amplifying its information base (Luhn, 2016). Within a learning organization, there are characteristics that distinguish a learning organization: …show more content…
Within this organization, the goal is not to make money but to please the board members and stakeholders. Stakeholders are considered the owners of the business.
Chapter 2: How might a company’s goals for employee development be related to its goals for innovation and change? How might a company's goals for employee development be related to its goals for productivity? Explain the ways that these types of goals may conflict in an organization?
An organizational goal is a desired state of affairs that the organization attempts to reach. A goal represents a result or end point toward which organizational efforts are directed (Daft, 2016. pg. 48). A company’s goals for employee development may be related to its goals for innovation and change through empowerment. Giving employees the power of being able to provide creativity and ideas to management can help by maintaining a motivated, committed workforce. Throughout this time, it would also promote company change and innovation. Overall, with this it could increase productivity with a higher employee work …show more content…
pg. 120). Outsourcing can be defined as having activities that were formerly done inside the organization now performed by an external supplier. The most common motive and proclaimed benefit of outsourcing concerns cost reduction, due to a supplier’s superior economy of scale. Other motives are release of resources and avoidance of investments (Bengtsson & Dabhilkar, 2009). Outsourcing is often thought of something that major companies and corporations do, but even small companies outsource activities such as payroll, customer care, and information technology. Other activities that are often outsources are marketing and research and development. Examples of outsourcing activities that tend to be outsourced are street maintenance, policing, and public safety. Other types of businesses outsource activities such as cleaning and catering services. With business globalization and the advances in information and communications technology, this has led to a growing trend for businesses within specific sectors to outsource abroad. With the attraction of cheap labor and minimal overheads, this appears to have overcome any worries pertaining to control factors (Ball, 2005). I have a family member whose company has recently started the process of outsourcing to their location in India. Prior to her relocating to TX, she and her family had been