This paper focuses on promoting organizational learning in business organizations. With the increasing global competition promoting organizational learning in organizations has become major priority for many companies which want to increase their efficiency and innovativeness. Companies which effectively promote organizational learning enjoy many benefits. They maintain levels of innovation and remaining competitive, better respond to external pressures, acquire the knowledge to better link resources to customer need and wants, improve the quality of their product, improve their corporate image by becoming more people oriented and increase the pace of change within the organization. Since these benefits are very important for the companies which are operating in today and tomorrow competitive business environments, the purpose of the paper is to find the proper direction to enhance the organizational learning in business organizations. Therefore , this paper arise four major questions, how companies improve their efficiency and innovativeness by using organizational learning, which type of companies benefit the most form organizational learning, how to enhance the organizational learning and which are the newest trends in the organizational learning. The paper also defines the organizational learning, explains the types and models of organizational learning. The paper is based on several major researches: research made Andy c. l. Yeung, Kee-Hung Lai and Rachel W. Y. Yee which explored how organizational learning improved the performance of the firms, research made by Ping-Ping Fu and Dong Lui explaining how the effects of autonomy support and autonomy orientation motivate learning in the organization and research made by Bersin &associates defining five practices which have the biggest impact on enhancing learning in the organization.
Organizational learning
1. Introduction to organizational learning.
1. Different definitions for Learning
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