The decimal numeral system (also called base ten or occasionally denary) has ten as its base.
It is the numerical base most widely used by modern civilizations.
Decimals also refer to decimal fractions.
To understand decimal numbers you must first know about Place Value.
When we write numbers, the position (or
"place") of each number is important.
History of Decimals
The Arabic numeral system is considered one of the most significant developments in mathematics, and several theories have been made about them such as The idea that it originated in China.
The idea that it was invented by AlKhwarizmi.
Decimals Fraction
Decimal fractions are commonly expressed without a denominator.
The integer part, or integral part of a decimal number is the part to the left of the decimal separator .
The part from the decimal separator to the right is the fractional part.
History of Decimal Fractions
• According to Joseph Needham, decimal fractions were first developed and used by the Chinese in the 1st century BC, and then spread to the Middle East and from there to Europe. The written Chinese decimal fractions were nonpositional. However, counting rod fractions were positional.
Decimal Notation
Decimal notation is the writing of numbers in a base-10 numeral system.
Roman numerals have symbols for the decimal powers (1,10, 100, 1000) and secondary symbols for half these values (5,
50, 500).Brahami numerals have symbols for numbers 1–9, the nine decades 10–90, plus a symbol for 100 and another for 1000. Chinese numerals have symbols for 1–9, and additional symbols for powers of 10
Decimal Computation
Decimal computation was carried out in ancient times in many ways, typically in Rod calculus, on sand tables or with a variety of abaci.
Both computer hardware and software also use internal representations which are effectively decimal for storing decimal values and doing arithmetic
Decimal Representation
• A decimal representation of