Chapter two discusses the understanding of computer, math, and measurements. Also, it shows you how we use computer math with computer hardware and systems. Some of these concepts are bits versus bytes, binary versus decimal, Boolean operators, hertz, and data transfer. The chapter two also shows numbering systems used in computers. These are some importance skills that will help you in the computer field.
Thirty plus years ago, the first personal computer terms such as bits, bytes, decimal, binary, and hexadecimal have come part of the common language, but these terms are not always used correctly. There are three numbering systems that computers use for the math and measurements. One of these systems is called decimal systems. Decimal numbers are normally numbered from 0-10. Decimal numbering is sometimes referred to as base 10.
The second numbering system that computers use is binary systems. Unlike the decimal system, there are only two numbers used in binary systems. One of these numbers is zero that represents false and off in computer, math, and measurement. The other number in the binary system is one that represents true and on for computer math. Binary numbers are sometimes referred to as base 2.
The third numbering system that computers use is hexadecimal system, which is complex than the other two numbering systems. This refers to the base16 number system that consists of 16 symbols. The numbers are 0 to 9 and the letters A to F. The decimal number 15 is represented as F in the hexadecimal numbering system. The hexadecimal system is useful because it can represent every byte as two consecutive hexadecimal digits. It is easier for people to read hexadecimal numbers than binary numbers.
These three systems are very important in numbering systems that are used normally. There are many operations that where learned in chapter 2, understanding how to get binary numbers and how to convert