There are restrictions that tribes face when it comes to protecting the people on the reservations. Often times, non-tribal members are the ones involved with committing domestic abuse. Tribal members do not have the jurisdiction to do anything about the crimes committed by a non-tribal member. This makes it hard to tribal members to prosecute non-tribal members of domestic violence crimes.
Lack of funding is a wide issue among Native Lands between schools, emergency response teams, and hospitals. Lack of funding leads to not being able …show more content…
Casinos have brought in jobs and there have been people working with Native Americans to help create jobs and to help educate people as a way to hire locally as well as the locals are able to be qualified to do their jobs.
Lack of services is also due to rural isolation, which makes it hard to receive help when the services are available. Funding also has an influence on the services provided. When services are provided, those who live in poverty, as well as many others, can’t receive services because they can’t afford the out-of-pocket cost or health insurances. They may use drugs or alcohol as a way to self-medicate because they can’t receive the proper care since it isn’t provided for them.
In conclusion, there are many factors that play into domestic violence among Native Americans. The United States government is working with the tribes to address domestic violence issues. It is important to look at the limitations that tribes have when it comes to decreasing violence on the reservations, but the tribes have been providing resources as well as they can along with creating