the library. Your kids are going to get confused. It's the same action, why isn't the rule universal? If someone can possess marijuana in colorado and be completely innocent, but cross a border and become a felon, how does that make sense? It's the same action.
Harsh penalties regarding marijuana exist across the country. Right here for example, according to the Iowa code chapter 124 section 212 B depending on the amount of marijuana being sold, you could receive a class B felony and face 50 years in prison. That excluding the tarnished marks that would go on your permanent record. The same record you are required to show future employers. Now you can't get a job among many other things, but someone who did the exact same thing as you at a different playground didn't receive any punishment. How is that fair? One case where we can see the affects of this is; Bernard Noble. A 49 year old father of seven got caught in Louisiana with 2 joints of marijuana. He is now in prison for 13 years. Unable to watch his young kids grow into adults, unable to see his daughter graduate 5th grade, help her with her math homework, help his wife when the kids are driving her crazy and she can't handle the extra workload, unable to be there for the big family moments. 13 years, 2 joints. Name anyone else in colorado with the equivalent of two joints in their pocket. Nothing. No punishment, no repercussions. How does that make sense?
The laws regarding marijuana should be consistent and universal across the United States. To avoid this unfair persecution of people who wouldn't be in the wrong if they were at a different playground. To be fair to everyone.
The laws regarding marijuana should legalize the drug across the country. Provided we create a system of regulation. This would benefit us in countless ways. Legalizing marijuana would help our economy, make the drug safer, and could help many people in medical ways.
The legalization or marijuana would help our economy first by a decrease in spending. Our current laws create unfair prosecution. According to a prison policy initiative study, more than half a million people are locked up for nonviolent drug convictions, like Bernard noble. Non violent- meaning they did nothing wrong beyond possession or intake of an illegal substance. They didn't hurt anyone nor harm any property. Half a million people. Our current laws put nonviolent harmless people in prison with murderers and rapists. Bernard Noble now sits in Jackson Parish Correctional Center among people who have killed and physically harmed others. If we legalized marijuana across the country these harmless people wouldn't be put in jail. In New york the average price per inmate is 60,000$ a year, according to the a independent budget office study. Legalizing marijuana means our tax money won't be wasted on a 18 year old caught with a blunt in the trunk of his car. Without these harmless people in jail think how much money we could save and put somewhere else. Like into our schools, parks, or roads.
The legalization of marijuana would help our economy second by the tax we could put on it. According to the Boston Globe Colorado has brought in 135 million dollars last year alone from marijuana tax revenue! Imagine all the great things that money can do for a community and economy.
Legalizing it can thirdly help by creating new jobs and business. In colorado a billion dollar a year industry has grown. New jobs, new business, new money circling in the state economy. I was born in colorado and went back to visit this summer the economic boom due to marijuana is evident, tons of construction, new businesses, people shopping and moving. If we legalized marijuana across the United States we would have a huge increase in cash flow through taxes, new jobs and businesses, and we would save money by keeping harmless people like Bernard Noble out of prison, just like in Colorado.
Legalizing marijuana would not only help the economy bloom, but make the drug safer. Right now it's illegal in 46 states, but that doesn't mean people don't do it, obviously. That means its unregulated, people are buying marijuana in back alleys from people they barely know. Unknowing what it a could be laced with or where it came from. Or people are turning to synthetic marijuana because in some cases it easier to obtain and produce. Connor Eckhardt was 19 when he bought synthetic marijuana took one hit, slipped into a coma and was declared brain dead days later (Daily Mail) . We can prevent horrible things like that from happening. Legalizing marijuana and regulating it takes away the uncertainty. When someone buys marijuana and it's not regulated, they have no idea what it contains. With regulation, we can take that away, and everyone will know exactly what they are getting into.
It's been proven in countless studies over and over again that pure marijuana in contrast with other legalized substances like alcohol and tobacco is much better for one's health. A study published in the Scientific Reports compared performance rates and physical effects of many drugs, and found marijuana is on the low almost beneficial end of effectiveness and harmfulness. Finding alcohol and tobacco closer to cocaine and heroin. While tobacco and alcohol are addictive research shows marijuana is not. Adding to that one can die from alcohol poisoning, but on one had ever died from pure marijuana intake, according to the National Institute of Health.
Beyond that it's less harmful than other substances that we already have legal. Marijuana can be extremely beneficial to people with diseases like HIV, AIDS, seizure disorders, bulimia, anorexia, or patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. Because of the way the THC interacts with the brain receptors, it can help with pain, appetite, and seizures. It's also an excellent alternative to higher risk addictive prescription pain medications like oxycontin, or hydrocodone. All in all legalising marijuana would help our economy, make the drug safer, and could help many people in medical ways.
But many people think marijuana is a gateway drug. This is false, Marijuana really became illegal in 1956 with the Boggs Act of 1952 and the Narcotics Control Act of 1956, this enhancement of federal law created the down spiral of marijuana. Because people couldn't no longer smoke, obtain, grow, or sell marijuana they turned to creating chemical concoctions producing the harder drugs we know today like cocaine and meth. Because marijuana was illegal and natural making it harder to grow and sell these new harmful chemical drugs became an easier option to, produce, and use. Marijuana can't be a gateway drug to these other harmful drugs if the criminalization of marijuana conjured up these harmful substances to replace it. Beyond that look was we saw in prohibition when alcohol became illegal in the 1920s, this seemed to cause more reckless drinking, alcohol poisoning, and alcohol related deaths, but since the current laws and legalization its became regulated and contained. To add on to that thought many individuals see un attentive workers and laziness as an issue if we legalize marijuana. The same things can be said about alcohol, because factually they are both depressant drugs, but again that is legal as o this moment in history.
Our marijuana laws are unfair, we should legalize marijuana to help our economy, make the drug safer, help people with serious medical issues, and make sure everyone has the option to swing at any playground