My name is Danielle Meyok and I am a student currently enrolled in grade 12 at Ecole Sir John Franklin High School. I am writing on the topic of legalizing Marijuana in Canada. One of the most controversial issues facing our generation is if we should legalize marijuana. I strongly support the idea to tax and regulate pot for adult recreational use and I believe the demand for this substance is still high.
First of all, We can't keep ignoring the fact that a large percentage of the world legally and illegally experience its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects. If used in moderation, some would compare marijuana with other substances such as alcohol and cigarettes in terms of its effect and the harm. In the states Colorado and Washington have already legalized the use for marijuana. Several other states are now also in favour of legalizing, taxing and regulating Marijuana. Currently, the production of medical marijuana in Canada is highly regulated. One must be legally licensed to sell it and they must also comply with extremely high standards of inspection from quality to safety and security of distribution. If it were to become legalized the same this can help eliminate unsafe usage for pot.
Secondly, Police reports suggest that smuggling marijuana will always remain consistent and in high demand for the drug for years to come. If it were legal, the government can then collect taxes on it, instead of wasting our tax money to "fight drug wars" that prove to remain ineffective failures. Over 500 000 canadians have been arrested as the result of marijuana related charges. The money made by legalizing it can then be diverted to benefit communities and cities across canada and focus on more important problems.
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