Over the years, many people say marijuana shouldn't be legalized, which is wrong. The Canadian government needs to legalize the usage of marijuana. If the Canadian government will legalize marijuana, it's going to bring in a lot of money to our economy. Legalizing marijuana would reduce violence. Tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful than marijuana. Marijuana has always been misjudged as a deadly drug, but what people do not realize is that marijuana is not as bad as cigarettes, and can have its uses medical wise.
Medical usage is a huge factor considered when consulting marijuana. Legalization of marijuana will give doctors the passage to look into marijuana and discover the outcome if a person is smoking it. Doctors can explain the good and the bad affections that circulate in a human body after marijuana is used. Doctors can also compare which drug usage can help cure …show more content…
The legalization will increase our countries revenue by taxing it heavily. Marijuana cigarettes would be taxed in two ways. First at the point of sale and then the company that makes the cigarettes will also have to pay income taxes. The Marijuana Legalization Organization has said, "The government is wasting our time and money by prohibiting marijuana" (MLO). "Taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to persecute, prosecute, and incarcerate people for having marijuana. If marijuana were legal, this money, plus tax revenues from marijuana sales, could be used for other purposes such as education or health care." It is impossible to keep drugs out of a country and when one drug dealer is caught on a block, another one will move into place to make himself/herself money. But my legalizing marijuana, the government would be bringing money into our economy. So if the government will legalize the usage of marijuana, the government will be bringing money into the