Is the Legalization of marijuana valid?
The devate over the legalization of cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one of the most controversial issues ever to occur in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years, and its documented as far back in 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings.
Marijuana should be legalize for several reasons, first the government could earn money from taxes on its sale. Its value to the medical world outwweight its potential abuse, and because of its importance to the paper & clothing industries. Legalzation should be considered more here in Texas.
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There is no evidence that prohibition decreases drug use, and there are several theories that suggest prohibition migth actually increase drug use (i.e. the “forbidden fruit” effect, and easier accesibility for youth). One unintended effect of marijuana prohibition is that marijuana is very popular in El Paso HS. Why? Because it is available. You dont have to be 21 to buy marijuana, marijuana dealers ussualy dont care how old are you as long as you have money. It is actually easier for many high school students to obtain marijuana than it is for them to obtain alcohol, because alcohol is legal and therefore regulated to keep it away from kids. If our goal is to reduce drug consumption, then we should focus on open and honest programs to educate youth, reguations to keep drugas away from kids, and tratment programs for people with drug problems. But the current prohibition scheme does not allow such reasonable approaches to marijuana; instead we are stuck with “DARE” police officers spreading lies about drugs in schools, and policies that result in jail time rather that treatment for people with drug problems. We tried prohibition with alcohol, and that failed misearably. We should be able to learn our lesson and stop reapiting the same