In the world economy today, we can see many changes from how the world use to be. People from all different places have integrated into a society where their cultures and values are welcomed no matter where the come from. This assignment will identify four factors that determined the modern world economy, describe the shifts over the past 30 years with examples, and discuss the implications in Britain, North America, and Hong Kong. In addition the current economy in Mexico will be introduced.…
The interesting events from CoBot's standpoint are those, which were not expected or least expected to happen, from the CoBot's past task execution data. We define these interesting events as anomalies-- deviation from the expected data. The expected value for an event can be computed from the respective log table, we create by analyzing the bag files. Using the expected data we identify the instances which are anomalies, and verbalize them comparing it with a past instance or the expected data for that event.…
Pelarsen Windows is in its third generation, founded initially in 1922 by Gunnar Pelarsen and now run by granddaughter and CEO Ingrid Pelarsen. The 1990s was an era of craftsmanship. One of the noted success factors for Pelarsen Windows at the time was its transition from craft to mass production. Pelarsen was a mover in streamlining the windows manufacturing process by standardizing the various components, allowing windows to be assembled in larger volumes and at remote locations. Another one of its key success factors was its innovative products such as insulated glass, solar heating and cooling, and energy efficient windows. Due to its innovative capabilities, Pelarsen Windows had transformed glass from a commodity to a differentiating component of windows manufacturing. There are two main window types they produce; standard and architectural. Generally, sales offices decide the plants to assign orders to based on the available capacity, geographical proximity, and skill-level required. Pelarsen Windows now operates in 15 plants across North America, employs 10,000 employees and holds 34% of all windows manufacturing business in North America.…
Box Trolls was an interesting movie with an immense amount of insight to leadership and followership. The characters included: the box trolls (who humans looked down on), the man with the red hat (who was driven by greed), The lordship who wore a white hat, his daughter Winnie and the boy who was raised by the box trolls. The principles or ethics portrayed in the movie are valuable lessons. For instance, the Box troll’s exterminators kept following a questionable leadership. If a follower feels uneasy about a leader, it is important to question the motives for the actions taken and not follow directions that do not fit your values and ethics. Additionally, standing up for justice. The character or Minnie realized that the box trolls…
If Quality is the personalized, Nirvana-like state of being, where one can be joined with their universe and everything inside of it, then Gumption is the way to get there. It is, as Pirsig describes it, “the psychic gasoline that keeps the whole thing going” (Pirsig 390), the “whole thing” being the pursuit of Quality. Gumption is the peace of mind that enables one to connect with Quality. It is extremely difficult to achieve, and all too easy to lose. It "occurs when one is quiet long enough to see and hear and feel the real universe, not just one's own stale opinions about it" (389). For example, Pirsig talks about a fisherman, returning from a three day fishing trip. He is at peace with himself and the world, having had three days alone…
The concept of monsters has captivated our society for hundreds of years because they represent what society has driven out of the individual. Monsters encapsulate the aspects of humanity that have been changed by the growing civility and refinement fostered by our society.…
The creature in Frankenstein is banished by De Lacy, Felix Lacy, Agatha Lacy, and Safie. The creature lives in a room next to theirs and watches them. He subtly helps them and is quite kind, but when he reveals himself they chase him away and beat him. "I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other." This is a quote by the monster showing that he is rejected by almost every person he comes in contact with in the book. The monster begins to act out after constantly being rejected and starts to kill Victor’s loved ones for…
When we hear the word ‘monster’ or ‘creature’ the first thing usually comes to mind might be a brainless being that serves no purpose in this world rather to destroy our society. We soon find that to be very misleading in which bother characters in the novel Grendel and Frankenstein provide evidence that no only are they aware of their own selves but of the corrupted world that we live in. Grendel in the novel is very similar to the monster in Frankenstein because both characters are aware of their isolated selves, realize their destruction capabilities, and comprehend the grotesque appearances that they both obtain.…
Thomas Hobbes believes men are naturally evil and in this sense the monster was evil because he was made that way. This is illustrated in Hobbes quote, “there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no culture of the earth; navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is the worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” (37). Despite the monsters misfortunes, such as killing all of Frankenstein’s loved ones, he…
A villain is commonly illustrated as a sinister character at odds with the hero of the story, and is often depicted as unlikeable and untrustworthy. However, villains are known to possess characteristics such as strength, courage and determination, all of which are critical to their ability to oppose the hero. Using these traits to compare both antagonists, it is clear that Magneto is the more successful villain, displaying these attributes more consistently and capably. Strength is a trait found within both Grendel and Magneto, with Grendel being described throughout the myth as large and powerful enough to bring upon the demise of any innocent man. This is shown when Grendel decapitates the warrior Hondisico.…
The educational welfare officer works with schools, pupils and families to resolve any issues. Their responsibilities would include meeting with the school, pupils and parents to identify problems and possible solutions. They may also make home/school visits to provide any on-going...…
In the two years it took Victor to create the monster, he was completely isolated, caring only about learning and creation. “Natural philosophy is the genius that regulated my fate” (22). Victor was so concerned about creating life, that he blocked all his family and friends out of his life for two whole years; therefore, after the monster was created, he had nobody to turn to except the monster, which he was utterly ashamed of. The monster is very vindictive, not because he is evil and hateful, but because he knows what people think of him, causing him to go into isolation. After discovering the notes that Victor wrote during the creation of the monster, he realizes that nobody likes him, not even his creator. “Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?” (94). The monster is furious and confused as to why he was even created if nobody appreciates him; after reading the letters, this causes the monster to go into isolation, all while creating a plan to seek revenge on Victor.…
This “monster” was not created to be evil, but was turned by the views of his fellow humankind. This is why secondary student should critically read Frankenstein to see that this man was not evil till the prejudice of humankind turns him. Poisoning the “monster” with their words, and actions. Humankind bases their judgement on looks before they get to know the person. If they are not careful they could create a monster, out of sweet creature, like this man, who just wanted to be…
The term monster is derived from terms monstrare and monere; monstrare in latin means to demonstrate and monere means to warn. This makes the term monster mean that monsters are demonstrative; they reveal ideas about humanity and make evident ideas that are hidden (“What is a Monster?”). In the story Frankenstein, there is lots of controversy about whether or not Victor Frankenstein, the main protagonist, is the monster or if his creation is. Victor is the monster in this story due to what he reveals about humanity. He shows the darker side of mankind and how humans tend to avoid the blame by finding scapegoats for their own actions.…
Many people perceive monsters as anything grotesque or not looking like the norm. In the book On Monsters, written by Asma, he mentions an array of monsters. He states, “One aspect of the monster concept seems to be the breakdown of intelligibility. An action or a person or a thing is monstrous when it can’t be processed by our rationality, and also when we cannot readily relate to the emotional range involved” (Asma 10). Because our perception is blinded by appearance, we fail to see the truth behind a monster –their actions. Although people define a monster by their appearance, it’s their actions that give them their identity.…