Export capital for production
The exporting of capital for production would not be supported by a utilitarian and would be found to be unethical. A utilitarian would argue that by allowing our capital to be produced abroad we would be hurting ourselves domestically by giving up potential jobs to workers internationally and by limiting domestic usage. In today’s economy a company can set up production plants in virtually any country they want, and most tend to go where the cost of labor is least expensive. A utilitarian’s goal is to determine how to obtain “the greatest possible balance of good over bad for everyone effected by our actions” (Shaw & Barry, 2013). American production is a shell of what it once was, and with next to nothing to export, and potential production being lost to overseas cheap labor we will never be able to obtain the level of production that we once had. In addition more times than not the individuals working at the production plants making US products will not make enough money to be able to afford the goods they are helping to produce and because they are paid based on their counties cheap labor rate, although they will have a job they will probably not be paid enough to improve their financial status much if at all.
Export commodities which have been banned from sale in the United States
Although common sense will tell us that will the straight safety guidelines set forth by the US it would be unethical to export commodities banned in the US to foreign countries an egoist may tell you differently. Egoism tells us that if the action is good for me then it is in fact ethical, and can result in conclusions that most would agree to