Business Ethics
Session 13/54
March 24-May 17, 2014
Course Description
Analysis of principles used to evaluate ethical issues facing today's business community as well as to formulate possible solutions. This course satisfies the General Education Ethics requirement for Business Administration and Computer Information Systems majors.
Prerequisite: MGMT 330
Proctored Exams: None
Instructor Information
Cathy Whitfield, MBA, William Woods University email:
Business Ethics, 7th ed., by Richard T. DeGeorge. (Prentice Hall, 2010), 523 pages with index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-73193-0
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th ed., Gibaldi, ISBN: 978-1-60329-024-1 Publ.: Mod.Lang. Assoc.of Am. You will need access to a MLA handbook to complete assignments. MLA guidelines are required for format and resources. You will need in-depth knowledge of how to cite MLA sources within the text of a paper. Purchase of this text is NOT mandatory but access to the proper MLA format is necessary.
Textbooks for the course may be ordered from MBS Direct. You can order online at (be sure to select Online Education rather than your home campus before selecting your class) by phone at 800-325-3252
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Please note that the use of an eBook carries certain risks: information may be missing due to copyright restrictions, the book cannot be resold to MBS Direct, and an eBook purchase cannot be refunded.
Course Overview
This course will focus on issues and perspectives of right and wrong in American business. The course begins with a survey of philosophical approaches to ethics and morality and continues in an application of these approaches to real world cases drawn from the functional areas of business.
Each week we'll focus on the understanding and application of philosophical ethical