The Verification Principle is nonsense, therefore this statement is nonsense. ‘Talk of God’ is religious language which is defined as any language which describes the beliefs or practises of a religion, e.g. Eucharist, Mass ect. It can also be defined as any language describing God. E.g. Holy, sacred ect. However, religious language, like anything, comes with its problems. The main problem of religious language is that ordinary language cannot get close to God. How do we describe an extraordinary God using only ordinary language? If we cannot do this, then can we ever really describe God? For example, if we describe an owl as wise and then also describe God as wise, this implies that the owl and God’s wisdom is the same, which it isn’t. The second problem with religious language is that by using ordinary language, we are in danger of limiting God. By using the same language to describe God as we do to describe humans, we are guilty of Anthropomorphism. This is the attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being. The Verification Principle can be used as an effective method for counteracting these problems.…