“is a set of attitudes and practices held by people that shapes their political behavior, It includes moral judgments, political myths, beliefs and ideas about what makes for good society.”(sparknotes) It also help the government shape the culture through education, commemoration the public having there opinion. Political culture does reflect the government and it also have a history that is current regime. Political culture does matter because populations will shape up through there actions and perceptions.
Political culture in the United States.
Political culture are different in other countries that is why the governments are organized in different ways and how political difference succeed or fail and other countries still have monarchies. With us understanding our political …show more content…
culture this will provide political relationships with our governments.
Characteristics of Good Citizens: Good citizen lives up to political culture is important. Americans expect good citizens and they help others in there community to make it a better place. In the United State, s good citizen do some of the following:
“vote in elections
“Pay taxes
“Help the community
“Obey all local, state, and federal laws
“ volunteer to help less fortunate people” (sparknotes)
Political Culture and change: People are set in there own ways and they have their attitudes on diferent issues.
Over some time the changes will happen in political culture it just slow. It will take generations to occur in the political culture. In our political culture people would like the change to happen sooner. We as people now need to help make that change, we need to all come together as a unity as God want us to all be and we can make that change happen. “Example: In which American political culture has been slow to change concerns the rights of minorities. The Voting right Act of 1965 authorized federla troops to supervise balloting in federal elections in the South in order to protect the voting rights of blacks Americans.”(sparknotes) The bill passed forty years ago, but the government feared the racial tensions in the south which still threaten political freedom of blacks, that is why President George W. Bush reauthorized the Voting Rights Act in 2006.”(sparknotes) That is why as American we need to make some changes, especially what is going on now in the United States with the police officer killing African Americans males for no reason.
Does political culture affect politics? How? Or why not?
“All countries have political cultures shared beliefs, values and norms, relationship between citizens and government. Economic life are of political culture because politics affects economics.”(americangovernment) So yes it does affect politics, because you have political decisions leaders such as democrat and republican who are debating against each other to try to win the presidential election.