First, one cannot attempt to teach what he/she does not know. For instance, teachers cannot expect all of their students to pass an exam they have not taught anything about. Additionally, humans are constantly observing and learning …show more content…
For example, a plant grows when it is well fed and given the right amount of sunlight. If it is not given the right necessities then it will eventually dry out and fall apart. In relation to this, if humans choose not to nurture their community and continue to give it the right necessities, just like a flower, the community will also dispurge. Certainly, individuals must create their own perceptions of this world from what they have seen and understood in order to better or destroy their …show more content…
As an illustration, Albert Einstein is one of the best scientists to have ever set foot on earth, in all of history. Subsequently, his did not earn his title suddenly, he consistently developed his ideas and continued to bring those new and developed ideas into the real world. Consequently, humans are always acquiring knowledge whether it be through others or even life itself. The great part about having knowledge of life in general is that one is given the choice to either apply what they have learned in areas where it is needed or keep it to themselves.
In conclusion, individuals cannot contribute to their community without identifying their distinctions from society first. Obviously, it is difficult to implement personal thoughts on issues one is not aware of. Additionally, change does not come from the issue itself. Moreover, it is important for individuals to always keep on learning and observing their surroundings. Overall, the world is filled with unique individuals, it is up to oneself to unravel what what is hidden and bring it out in the